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Posts tagged ‘Duluth’

Birthday gifts for Lori

This morning I awoke on the North Shore of my beloved Lake Superior a happy, refreshed, and rejuvenated girl. So, on the spur of the moment, I decided to give myself one final birthday gift – an entire weekday morning to myself! No clients, no deadlines, no must dos, no worries. I simply took the morning off for fun and focus on Lori. Read more

I’m a hiker!

I am discovering so many new things about myself as I get smaller and healthier, both inside and out. For example: I love the outdoors; I would go barefoot 24-7 if I could; Ms Dash rocks; yard work is not as bad as I once made it out to be; I can pull off a low neck tee; I love getting my hair cut; pedis rule; I always root for the underdog; I am a bit of a fashion/ clothes horse; and I LOVE hiking! Read more


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