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Posts tagged ‘excuses’

That was an excuse!

Pushing past the excuses & doing the thing you don’t want to do, always leads to the best stuff!

It’s no secret, I’ve been struggling to stay on the healthy living path since I uprooted all things familiar and moved to Maine last year.

This past weekend, my friend Anne visited from MN and saw that struggle when she noticed how far “up” I am in my current weight. I’m guessing she also noted that there was not quite as much pep in my step. Being the “rock star” friend that she is, Anne asked me to get up early and go for a walk the next morning. We did.

On our walk, Anne inquired as to why I had not been doing my power walking this spring — we used to walk together in MN and she knows I love it and need it. “The weather has really sucked,” I responded. “The road is dangerous, and not scenic.”

And there it was! Three excuses in a row = Lori in a rut, stuck and struggling. Can you relate? Read more

Sometimes we all need a little help

Mindset, Motivation & Momentum — an accountability group for weight loss & healthy living

Me at 6 years healthy, May 12, 2018. Keepin it real.

Ringo Starr and the Beatles were definitely on to something — sometimes we all need a little help from our friends. Or, rather, we get by with a little help from our friends! 🙂

Asking for help — personal or professional — is often challenging for people, especially when we are struggling. When it comes to weight loss or wellness, we often believe that because we know WHAT to do, we should be able to “just do it” on our own. We might not want to be a bother or burden to others. Perhaps we’re ashamed that we actually need help and can’t bring ourselves to admit that we’re struggling for fear of what others might think. So, we continue in excuse mode. We struggle, and stay stuck or stalled alone instead of reaching out for help. Does any of this sound familiar?

Today, I’m leading by example. I am both asking for help and giving you an opportunity to do the same. Read more

Resilience. The key to happy, healthy & whole.

GOOD NEWS: If you don’t have resilience, you can develop it!

lori-speakingfitfest2016This week, I’m celebrating four years of living from the center of the equation of my own life as a fit, active, happy and healthy girl. Yes! A big deal.

I’m more proud of maintaining my -200 lb weight loss and Lori-in-the-equation life for four years than I was to lose the weight and get to my goal in the first place. And that’s saying a lot, because I was ecstatic to get to goal on May 12, 2012 and celebrate with my special peeps!

While losing and keeping the weight off is a huge accomplishment and changed my health trajectory, the greatest gift I gave myself was a WHOLE life. I got off the hamster wheel of a busy life, where I was drenched in self-doubt and worthiness issues, and learned to take care of my health and happiness first. I learned to live more from intention and less from habit. To honor and respect myself. To practice self-care consistently. And to stop doubting myself, beating myself up and being a victim of my circumstances.

WHOLE is not easy! And living a whole life manifests differently for everyone. I define it this way: WHOLE = happy + healthy + hard. I didn’t get here by taking the easy road. One of the most important skills that I developed along the way was resilience. I’m learning now — four years in — it makes all the difference. Read more

Ever use the excuses: “I hate to exercise,” “I can’t do it,” or “I can’t afford it”?

lori-sean-workoutHow about? “I’m intimidated by the gym. I feel like people are staring at me.” “I can’t find the time, I’m too busy.” “I’m not a morning person.” Did I miss any?

We all know that we need to take care of our bodies and exercise to lose weight, to increase our strength and mobility, to tone our muscles and keep our shape as we age, to reduce our risk of obesity-related diseases like stroke, heart disease and diabetes. Yet, we have every excuse in the book for why we can’t or don’t do it.

I know this story all to well because I lived it. I used every excuse listed and then some! Read more

Do one thing that feels good…every day

This from the girl who once said “I hate the gym” & “I can’t do it”… and now says: “OMG, I’m running!” & “What next?!”

pinkshoesToday’s blog is for those who HATE  to exercise or FEAR the gym. It’s for anyone who can’t bring themselves to join the gym or to use their stale membership because they either don’t know what to do, are intimidated by the equipment or the people, or feel it’s too expensive. Or, all of the above!

This blog is for anyone who thinks they’re too busy with kids, work and “life” to take time out for themselves every day — to exercise, to meditate, to walk, practice yoga, take a soothing bath, stretch, or take one step to change a diet habit. This blog is really for anyone who believes they can’t do it. Read more

Look behind the excuses, therein lies the answer

no more excuses - just do itI’ve been in a funk. Not a big one and only for a short time, but I am officially admitting it to myself and calling it a funk.

It’s just one of those times in life when I let the gloomy weather affect my mood and feel less resilient to the daily stress that comes from balancing it all — a career and building a business,  the long to-do list including a host of home and yard chores, relationships with lots of different people while balancing a long distance romantic relationship (lucky girl!), travel, future planning and dreaming, and of course, self care.

What happens when I get in this place is that I start to see excuses crop up for why something is the way it is, or why I can’t do/achieve something I want. Excuses are my clue that something is wrong and getting off track. And only I can right the ship.

Excuses sound like this. I don’t have enough money so I can’t start the business I really want and pursue my deepest passion. I can’t write a book or a full on coaching program right now because I don’t have the time, or a publisher, and I can’t manage and build two businesses at once. There isn’t enough money to do it all so I have to choose. I’m not good with business finances. Sound familiar? Read more


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