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Posts tagged ‘goals’

Join Me! The November 100% ALL-IN Challenge

Yesterday I had the privilege of sharing my transformation story with a terrific group of educators, faculty and staff at South Washington Schools, MN! It was the highlight of my day and week. They inspired me. And sometimes, all it takes to get yourself back on track with healthy living is a little nudge or a  dose of outside support and inspiration.

Well, here you go!

The November 100% ALL-IN Challenge

I’m issuing a November Challenge to put yourself in the equation and prioritize your health and well-being. Join me in a START or a RESTART — whatever YOU need…right now!

The November 100% ALL-IN challenge is FREE and simple. It will provide built-in accountability and support to help you take a step toward your goal. So don’t over think. Grab hold, take the leap and join me. Let’s do this! Read more

Sometimes it takes a village

Support and accountability were key to my -200 lb weight loss & to maintaining it for 3 years!

Celebration Climb Mountaintop - May 2012Cheers to the village!

Thanks to support and encouragement from friends, I just got back from a cold, Minnesota cardio workout — power walking around my lake at 7 p.m. on a Monday night, in 40 degrees and drizzling rain. It was cold and wet, and lonely — only the nutjobs and die hards were out tonight!

I was not in the mood. I had every reason (okay, excuse) in the book for why I couldn’t workout today. Yet, I did it. And, WOW, does it feel great when you have to fight for it!

I will never underestimate the power of support and the accountability that goes with it. It was critical to my success in losing the weight, and it continues as I celebrate three years of healthy living and maintaining my -200 lb weight loss. Read more

The 90% Rule

Progress not perfection. 90% = success!

perfectionI woke up this last Friday morning after two days of real struggle working toward my “In the Equation Challenge goal” and remembered: I am not perfect! I am fantastic, strong, smart, courageous, beautiful, passionate, diligent, determined…and perfectly imperfect at the same time. And I LOVE that about me! I am not perfect. Thank God.

One of my favorite quotes related to perfectionism comes from Brene Brown in her book, The Gifts of Imperfection. ““Perfectionism is self destructive simply because there’s no such thing as perfect. Perfection is an unattainable goal.” Here, here. I finally get it and embrace it!

Brene goes on to describe the difference between healthy striving and perfectionism. “Healthy striving is self-focused, how can I improve and grow? Perfectionism worries about what other people will think.” According to Brene’s research, perfectionism is not about excellence or healthy striving. It’s a way of thinking and being that says, “If I look perfect, do it perfect, love perfect, work perfect, I can avoid or minimize shame in my life.”

In other words, perfectionism is the ultimate fear that we might fail, and/or the word is going to see us for who we really area and we won’t measure up. Yes, perfectionism is fear. I get that because I’m a recovering perfectionist. I spent most of my adult life trying to be perfect and beating myself up when I was not. It kept me small, and stuck. On the sidelines and NOT in the arena for far too much of my life.

These past four years as I’ve personally transformed both inside and out, I’ve worked to embrace “progress not perfection.” I’ve learned the difference between healthy striving, learning and growing as a person vs. the impossible standard of perfection. And, most importantly I’ve learned self-love and how to offer self-compassion when I slip or fall or fail. I truly believe, I am enough. And that has made all the difference.

Which brings to me to why this blog — the”In Your Equation Challenge” and my revelation of this past week. Read more

Step forward toward your goals

From the unknown, to familiar, to conquered, to what’s next?!

My Bud

Bud, my walking partner ready to roll!

As I was walking the Blue Hill Loop last week with my beloved, Bud, it occurred to me that the first time I walked this 2.5 mile loop, it felt far more difficult and I wasn’t certain I’d make it. It was new and unfamiliar territory and surprisingly up hill. Randy was walking at an incredibly fast clip and there were times I was struggling to keep up. (And, I was the one who was supposed to be in shape!).

I remember asking several times how much farther we had to go. I didn’t know where I was, how far into the journey, or how to get home. The uncertainty was nagging at me.

When my Mom visited in July, we walked the Loop and she reacted the same way that I did that first time. It felt challenging and she kept asking how much farther and if there was a short cut. (To my Mom’s credit, she is in her 70’s and was brave enough to tackle the walk!)

I can’t help wonder if sometimes the fear of the unknown stops us short of taking on new things…of really going for our big, hairy, audacious goals — or even doing little things because they are unfamiliar. We worry they might be difficult, we might not succeed, and the outcome is uncertain. Read more

Join my In the Equation Spring Challenge


I did a half marathon in 2012 at about the same weight I am today – up slightly from my goal weight. If I can do that. I can do this, right! YES!

Two years: New life, healthy life, happy life. It’s hard for me to believe that I’ve been a fit, active and healthy “girl” smack dab in the center of her equation for two full years, and going strong!

If you read my last blog, you know that this week I’m celebrating my two-year anniversary of maintaining a-200+ pounds weight loss. You also that while there are so many amazing accomplishments and new things in my life, I’m currently up slightly in weight, battling hormones I don’t have control over, and struggling a bit as a result.

Time to restart and refocus. The beauty is, I know the way! So here we go.

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Look behind the excuses, therein lies the answer

no more excuses - just do itI’ve been in a funk. Not a big one and only for a short time, but I am officially admitting it to myself and calling it a funk.

It’s just one of those times in life when I let the gloomy weather affect my mood and feel less resilient to the daily stress that comes from balancing it all — a career and building a business,  the long to-do list including a host of home and yard chores, relationships with lots of different people while balancing a long distance romantic relationship (lucky girl!), travel, future planning and dreaming, and of course, self care.

What happens when I get in this place is that I start to see excuses crop up for why something is the way it is, or why I can’t do/achieve something I want. Excuses are my clue that something is wrong and getting off track. And only I can right the ship.

Excuses sound like this. I don’t have enough money so I can’t start the business I really want and pursue my deepest passion. I can’t write a book or a full on coaching program right now because I don’t have the time, or a publisher, and I can’t manage and build two businesses at once. There isn’t enough money to do it all so I have to choose. I’m not good with business finances. Sound familiar? Read more

Declaration of intention – join me?

Declaration of intentionAs I was thinking about and writing my last blog on intention vs. resolution and how both have manifested in my life, I came across this awesome tool.

I love it for its simplicity and yet how it makes me really think about what I want/ intend…what I am willing to embrace and let go of to get it. Even what stands in the way.

I love that it is a declaration of my intention in a simple and powerful format. That I can pin it on my wall or save it as the background on my computer so it is always visible. And I love that it reminds me/us at the very bottom (in case I/we temporarily forget) — we are awesome, we are enough. Read more

When is it time to let go?

letting-go-handsI read lots of awesome blogs for motivation, encouragement, and empowerment. As an aspiring motivator, speaker and life transformation coach, I find it critical to connect with others in this same realm and to do my own reflection work as my personal journey continues.

In my view, we are never “done.” We are never really “there.” Personal learning/growth/self awareness and acceptance is a constant and ongoing process and one I love and appreciate more each day.

One of the topics that keeps bubbling up for me is learning when to let go. When is it right to go all in and pursue a goal, a dream, a thing you really, really want and let nothing stop you vs. letting something go that is not meant to be, or rather not meant to be right now? How do we determine when it is time to let it go? Read more


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