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Posts tagged ‘Happy & Whole Zone’

Time to up the ante on self-care & self-renewal

Spring: A time of new beginnings, fresh starts, and renewal. You in?

Ahhhhhhh Spring. It’s finally here! I don’t know about you, but I need a fresh start.

Many of us love Spring for what it represents in terms of new beginnings, rebirth and renewal. Spring brings longer days, warmer temperatures and sunshine; greening of the grass, trees and fields; fresh buds and blooms sprouting as if to say “hello” or “hey, pay attention to me;” animals awakening and birds and ‘peepers’ serenading us in song — in essence the earth seems to come to life again.

Spring is known as the season of new beginnings in part because of this rebirth and renewal, and in part because of the equinox. The Spring, or Vernal, Equinox occurs around March 20 in the Northern Hemisphere. (Though if you live in MN, Spring just arrived this past weekend.)

I love Spring for it’s reliability, if not predictability. But mostly, I love it for the symbolism of rebirth and renewal. A chance to start fresh, and with that comes hope, inspiration and anticipation — something I truly need this year.

Bye Bye Winter Blahs! Time to Refocus, Restart & Renew the Commitment Thy Self Read more

Launch into action – right now! Start. Restart. Go.

5-4-3-2-1-GO! Could it really be that simple?

I first learned about The Five Second Rule from my friend, Shirar, in Maine this Spring (not the one about dropping food on the floor, a new rule). We were talking about the Restart and how to get yourself back on track after messing up and Shirar mentioned this great technique that she heard about to  propel yourself into action by counting backwards from 5 — 5-4-3-2-1. It sounded simple and she said it was backed by science. I was intrigued so I made a mental note to check it out.

About a week ago, Shirar referenced the 5-4-3-2-1 in her own restart to get back on track with exercise. I saw the post on Facebook and made a second mental note to go online and check it out…when I had time.

Yesterday morning I implemented the #5secondrule for the first time in my own restart and it worked! It propelled me to action without thinking about it. Pretty cool.

This summer, I’ve started to slip outside of what I call my “Healthy & Happy Zone.” I’ve also recognized the old familiar Gremlin voice of self-doubt creeping into my psyche. So I stopped to take notice and decided to change it up. On Saturday as I was headed to the grocery store I gave myself a pep talk to RESTART and get back in the Zone. In short, the conversation went something like this. “You need to clean it up, Lor, no excuses!” I recognized the counter reply as my “old” and retired Gremlin Voice. It answered: “Next Tuesday is August 1st, start then. Aug. 1st is a way better day to start than today.”

I know that voice of self-sabotage well as I lived with it and allowed it to guide me for too much of my adult life. But I’m living with Lori-In-The-Equation now and I knew exactly what to do next. As I went to bed Saturday night, I thought of Shirar’s tip — 5-4-3-2-1. When the alarm went off on Sunday morning instead of staying in bed and blowing off my workout, justifying a day of “rest” — I launched myself out of bed saying out loud 5-4-3-2-1 … GO! Read more


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