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Launch into action – right now! Start. Restart. Go.

5-4-3-2-1-GO! Could it really be that simple?

I first learned about The Five Second Rule from my friend, Shirar, in Maine this Spring (not the one about dropping food on the floor, a new rule). We were talking about the Restart and how to get yourself back on track after messing up and Shirar mentioned this great technique that she heard about to  propel yourself into action by counting backwards from 5 — 5-4-3-2-1. It sounded simple and she said it was backed by science. I was intrigued so I made a mental note to check it out.

About a week ago, Shirar referenced the 5-4-3-2-1 in her own restart to get back on track with exercise. I saw the post on Facebook and made a second mental note to go online and check it out…when I had time.

Yesterday morning I implemented the #5secondrule for the first time in my own restart and it worked! It propelled me to action without thinking about it. Pretty cool.

This summer, I’ve started to slip outside of what I call my “Healthy & Happy Zone.” I’ve also recognized the old familiar Gremlin voice of self-doubt creeping into my psyche. So I stopped to take notice and decided to change it up. On Saturday as I was headed to the grocery store I gave myself a pep talk to RESTART and get back in the Zone. In short, the conversation went something like this. “You need to clean it up, Lor, no excuses!” I recognized the counter reply as my “old” and retired Gremlin Voice. It answered: “Next Tuesday is August 1st, start then. Aug. 1st is a way better day to start than today.”

I know that voice of self-sabotage well as I lived with it and allowed it to guide me for too much of my adult life. But I’m living with Lori-In-The-Equation now and I knew exactly what to do next. As I went to bed Saturday night, I thought of Shirar’s tip — 5-4-3-2-1. When the alarm went off on Sunday morning instead of staying in bed and blowing off my workout, justifying a day of “rest” — I launched myself out of bed saying out loud 5-4-3-2-1 … GO!

I immediately put on my workout clothes and was outside for morning cardio before I knew what hit me. I was in motion and taking action before my brain kicked in to talk me out of it. Indeed, I had just practiced the Five Second Rule for the first time. (And I did it again today!)

On my walk, I recommitted to a full-on, mid-summer Restart, In-the-Equation style. That means going 100% all-in! I renewed my commitment to clean up my act and get 100% back in the Healthy & Happy Zone by ramping up my self-care.

How? I made my short list of non-negotiables (not goals, non-negotiables). They are  to: 1) Resume my DAILY walks & 3-4x per week high-intensity workouts, 2) Resume my DAILY mindfulness practice, committing to EVERY morning, 3) To cut back to drinking alcohol and allow it in ONLY 1-2x on weekends in moderation; and 4) To bring back the journaling and/or the blog (this is how I process my personal journey). To me, this is what keeping it clean, staying focused and going ALL-IN looks like — at least for me, right now. I’ll use the Five Second Rule to help me spring into action when needed in all areas of life.

So here we GO! Who needs a restart and wants to join me, today, July 31? #MotivationMonday

The Five Second Rule

It’s a bit crazy how easily our mind can play tricks on us and how quickly those limiting beliefs or Gremlin voices creep in and stop us from taking positive action. Even after five years of living in the equation sans -200 lbs, I have to work every day at staying in my Healthy Zone — and sometimes, like this past week, I have to work extra hard.

I Googled “5-4-3-2-1 launch” yesterday and what came up was Mel Robbins’ Five Second Rule. After listening to her Ted Talk and a few videos on her website (all included below so you can check it out for yourself), I learned how the five second rule works — propelling you into action before your brain and limiting beliefs can stop you.

In this short video, Mel explains how the science behind the Five Second Rule and how when you start counting 5-4-3-2-1 — you awaken your prefrontal cortex. You begin the process of changing and take action BEFORE your brain knows what hit it, pushing yourself in a new direction.

This simple tool or technique can be used to create new patterns or healthy habits, and it can help you achieve your goal and dreams — one five second decision at a time. I’ve done countless “RESTART’S” in the last five years to get myself back in the Zone and on track. It looks different each time and people have asked me — HOW did you do it? How did you just change your thinking and get back on track. My answer was always, I just decided I was doing it and I did it. I recognized the Gremlin voice or limiting belief and changed the message to a positive one — “Lori, you can do this! You’ve been here before. You know the way.” And that’s the truth.

But what I’ve recently read and now experienced in my own restart is that The Five Second Rule can totally help. It’s a tip and a tool that is easy to remember and can be used in so many aspects of your life. To push past fear and self-doubt. To propel yourself into action when you feel stuck. To help you break old patterns and develop newer healthy habits. To get yourself out of the past and start living in the present. To help you deal with anxiety. There are so many ways that I can see this working that I am bursting with joy! I wanted to share it with you here so you can try it. What have you got to lose?

My favorite video and a good place to start is this one where Mel Robbins tells her story of how she got depressed, turned to alcohol and found she couldn’t get out of bed. See what happens next and how she inadvertently discovered what is now known as The Five Second Rule. I think for so many of you this could be a game changer!

For me, the Five Second Rule was the jolt I needed for my mid-summer restart. Thank you, dear Shirar, for the tip. And, peeps, we’ve got this. 5-4-3-2-1-GO!




#5secondrule #motivationmonday

Resource links on The Five Second Rule by Mel Robbins:

Read more of my In the Equation blogs on the successful restart:





































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2 Comments Post a comment
  1. Jean #

    I am in Lori!! Sounds like a terrific plan. I need some strength training.

    July 31, 2017
    • Awesome! Let’s do this. PM me so we can plan a walk date or a workout date. xo

      July 31, 2017

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