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Posts tagged ‘Hiking trail’

3 lessons I learned on the mountaintop

NOTE: This week marks my 3-year anniversary living as a fit, active, healthy, happy girl from the center of her equation — maintaining a -200 lb weight loss. To celebrate, I’m working on a series of blogs sharing the lessons of the road of the past three years of healthy living. This is a continuing journey. It’s been the ride of a lifetime and I wouldn’t change a thing — even and especially the hard stuff.


Hello mountain. Hello fresh spring air. Hello switchbacks and ascending trails….expansive and breathtaking views. Hello critters of the forest. It’s just us today. Just the way I like it. Good morning!

As I pass the entrance to Oberg Mountain and hit the ascending trail, this is my internal conversation — with myself and my mountain. It’s been months since we’ve met and it feels like coming home again.

Oberg — on the beautiful North Shore of Lake Superior — was the first mountain I ever climbed. And like a first love, it will always have a very special place in my heart.

That was not always the case. Read more

I’m a hiker!

I am discovering so many new things about myself as I get smaller and healthier, both inside and out. For example: I love the outdoors; I would go barefoot 24-7 if I could; Ms Dash rocks; yard work is not as bad as I once made it out to be; I can pull off a low neck tee; I love getting my hair cut; pedis rule; I always root for the underdog; I am a bit of a fashion/ clothes horse; and I LOVE hiking! Read more


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