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Posts tagged ‘journey’

The warrior within

From “victim” to “warrior” – there’s no stopping now!

One of the most frequently asked questions I get asked when I speak to an audience about my personal transformation for the first time is: “If you had to choose between sustaining the internal changes you’ve experienced and the external changes — losing & keeping off -200 lbs — which would you choose?”

The answer is easy. Without hesitation, I would choose to keep the internal changes, including: Gaining self-love and acceptance; learning radical self-compassion and self-care; learning to restart without beating myself up; unstoppable grit and determination; perseverance and patience when things are tough and the confidence that I will be okay; a quiet confidence that I can do absolutely anything I set my mind to; and the gift of a healthy mindset and a WHOLE life!

Often people are surprised by my answer. But, for me, it’s simple: The personal growth I’ve experienced is dramatic and life changing. So much so, that if I did put all of the weight back on (God forbid), I know I could get it off again because of the changes I’ve made on the inside. In essence, it’s my internal transformation that makes ALL the difference.

This has never been more prevalent than it is for me today. Read more

Resilience. The key to happy, healthy & whole.

GOOD NEWS: If you don’t have resilience, you can develop it!

lori-speakingfitfest2016This week, I’m celebrating four years of living from the center of the equation of my own life as a fit, active, happy and healthy girl. Yes! A big deal.

I’m more proud of maintaining my -200 lb weight loss and Lori-in-the-equation life for four years than I was to lose the weight and get to my goal in the first place. And that’s saying a lot, because I was ecstatic to get to goal on May 12, 2012 and celebrate with my special peeps!

While losing and keeping the weight off is a huge accomplishment and changed my health trajectory, the greatest gift I gave myself was a WHOLE life. I got off the hamster wheel of a busy life, where I was drenched in self-doubt and worthiness issues, and learned to take care of my health and happiness first. I learned to live more from intention and less from habit. To honor and respect myself. To practice self-care consistently. And to stop doubting myself, beating myself up and being a victim of my circumstances.

WHOLE is not easy! And living a whole life manifests differently for everyone. I define it this way: WHOLE = happy + healthy + hard. I didn’t get here by taking the easy road. One of the most important skills that I developed along the way was resilience. I’m learning now — four years in — it makes all the difference. Read more

I do hard things…

…and I’m better, stronger for it! #bravegirl

LoriandAnneonMountaintopMy friend Anne coined the phrase, “Hard is fun.” In her awesome Ten Centuries blog (which you can read here), she explains that by stretching our limits, conquering fear, and setting big, difficult goals – we learn all kinds of interesting things about ourselves. And for many, like Anne, hard is fun.

I share Anne’s tenacity for life. The “new Lori” does hard things. I seek adventure. Look for opportunities to conquer my fear. Say yes more than no. And run head strong into difficult things instead of running away from them.

Finally, I have confidence in myself and my abilities to live life to the absolute fullest. Even, and especially, when that means doing hard things.

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Inspiration: For me and for you

In the Equation — the top blogs from 2014.

Climbing Humpback Rock in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia over Christmas break.

At the start of our climb to Humpback Rock in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia over 2014 Christmas break.

Here’s wishing you all a Happy & Healthy New Year!

Thanks for being a part of this online community where we’re working toward living happy, healthy and whole lives by learning to take care of ourselves…by putting ourselves in the equation.

I’ve been blogging at for more than four years now. And, trust me, I learn and grow on the journey toward wholeness every time I share my story, celebrate a milestone, or tackle a tough subject here. Blogging helps me stay focused on living intentionally and reaching my greatest potential. It’s also my desire to provide hope, inspiration and support to others who struggle with their weight, health and overall happiness — inside and out.

So, after a two-week holiday hiatus from the blog to spend time with my loved ones, I am back and ready for a new year! Read more

Success is finding your authentic self

Meet Dean. Transformation success story #3 in my series titled, “Success. It’s personal. And that’s a good thing.”

Dean Packingham

Dean Packingham (upper right) participating in his first competitive race, 2012.

Have you ever had a situation in your life where you felt like the timing was perfect…meant to be? That’s how I felt when Dean Packingham reached out to me via this blog.

He told me that I had inspired him and that he was about to embark on his own personal transformation journey. He admitted being afraid, fearing failure, but also expressed hope and determination. What struck me about Dean was that he had the courage to leap and go after something he desperately wanted, despite his fear. He asked for help. And that was the beginning of his success story.

We corresponded that night for quite awhile. My response was: “Dean, we’ve totally got this! There is no question that you can do it.” This was the same response that my mentor, O’Neal Hampton, gave me. A message of hope that arrived just when I was ready to receive it. Then, I was able to pay it forward by helping Dean.

What’s cool about this pay it forward story, is that last month, I hooked Dean up with a delightful young lady who also asked for help. She admitted she was terrified to take the leap, and that she was not in the equation of her life. And, guess what Dean said to her about two years after he reached out to me? Yep. He said, “We’ve totally got this!” Read more

Are we done yet?

(From 63+% body fat to 14.5%)

ITE_Before-After_InstaThe most frequently asked question I get about my transformation these days is: “Are you done yet?”

After dieting for 18 months and losing 211 lbs, people assume I am at goal and “done.” A fair assumption. After all, I did have a party and celebrate my transformation!

This question packs a powerful punch. For me it raises the question: “Are we ever “done?” Or rather, “Are we ever really “there?” Read more

Celebrating 1.5 years on the path to healthy Lori

Today’s hike on the Superior Hiking Trail at my beloved Temperance River State Park was extraordinary. I have made this trek countless times and it remains one of my favorites. But today both the physical and spiritual experience topped all others. I traveled far faster than ever before along this windy trail and much deeper into the forest, stopped only by time and the threat of my day job looming.

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My unsung heroes

This past week, I spent time talking with people who look to me for hope and inspiration on their transformation journeys. I have been called a “hero” by some, and find myself  uncomfortable with that label. But, the truth is, if I can be a hope giver, an inspiration, and even a hero to others trying to put themselves in the equation and change their lives, I’m in. Let’s go!

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