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Posts tagged ‘learning to live and love’

Honor the space between no longer and not yet

Today I’m sharing ramblings from my journal because there is a lesson here for me…and maybe for you!

ITE_Between_Quote2I don’t want to let go of what is no longer mine. I changed my mind! I still really love what I lost. It was comfortable and safe. I knew where I was going. I knew the end goal. I was on a mission.

And I was happy. I felt love and connection. I was moving toward a dream. I was NOT done yet when it was ripped from me. And I don’t want to let go! (Even if I know letting go is absolutely right for ME.)

I’m uncomfortable. I want to know what’s next.  And then I want to do, achieve, go, and live into it. I want to feel that spark inside again. The one that makes me unstoppable. I know I can soar, and I’m ready. Let’s go! I like that space better. The soaring part. I want to move forward at warp speed to the next big thing. Read more

Three years – another cool milestone!

LoriSchaefer-After-BigPantsThree years ago today, I was leaving weight-loss boot camp on the North Shore of Lake Superior to begin my transformation journey at home. My journey yielded a -211 pound weight loss, nearly -50% body fat loss, and sparked a self-acceptance and internal happiness that for so many years I didn’t believe was possible. And, it continues today.

I remember vividly my mindset when I walked out of boot camp. After losing 21 pounds in 12 days and pushing myself past serious physical pain, fear and heart ache — I gained a new perspective that has grounded me to this day. I left boot camp knowing that I could do absolutely anything. Knowing that I was physically capable and strong, internally stubborn, goal oriented and focused, and that nothing could stop me, but me.

Now, three years later, I’ve successfully maintained my weight loss for more a year and a half. I live in the center of my equation and lead a healthy and happy life, and hopefully inspire others to do the same. But most importantly, I live fully knowing I can accomplish absolutely anything. And I am opening myself up emotionally and taking risks in ways that I didn’t before when I was hiding behind all that weight. There is no greater gift. Read more


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