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Posts tagged ‘Maine’

That was an excuse!

Pushing past the excuses & doing the thing you don’t want to do, always leads to the best stuff!

It’s no secret, I’ve been struggling to stay on the healthy living path since I uprooted all things familiar and moved to Maine last year.

This past weekend, my friend Anne visited from MN and saw that struggle when she noticed how far “up” I am in my current weight. I’m guessing she also noted that there was not quite as much pep in my step. Being the “rock star” friend that she is, Anne asked me to get up early and go for a walk the next morning. We did.

On our walk, Anne inquired as to why I had not been doing my power walking this spring — we used to walk together in MN and she knows I love it and need it. “The weather has really sucked,” I responded. “The road is dangerous, and not scenic.”

And there it was! Three excuses in a row = Lori in a rut, stuck and struggling. Can you relate? Read more

2019: The year of STRETCH!

She made a promise to herself: This year, she will be brave and bold about EVERYTHING!

I’m back! And it’s been quite a journey to get here.

In August of 2018, I embarked on an adventure to live “A Year by the Sea.” I packed up my belongings, rented my house in St. Paul, MN, and ventured off to Maine — my self-prescribed “Happy Place!”

As I drove off to make the trek across the country, friends and family wished me well and commended me for living brave and bold. Yet I know many of them secretly thought — “What the hell is she doing leaving everything behind and starting fresh in her 50’s…alone?!” Or perhaps they wondered, “Why can’t she just be happy with her nice life in MN?!”

Well, that’s easy. I knew deep in my gut that this was something I needed to do. This is for my soul. It’s aimed at busting myself open to discover what next. It’s meant to push me way outside my comfort zone and it absolutely includes doing hard things.

Once I decided that I needed a fresh new start, including time and space to crack open my heart and live into the answers, there really was no stopping me. To stay in my familiar life would have been the easy choice. But I don’t believe you get “really good” without doing hard. And we all know that I’m not interested in living safe and small anymore. I am on a mission to live up to my absolute greatest potential — and that changes and evolves as I change and grow. Therein lies the work of this journey! Read more

The mountain and me

“The mountains are calling and I must go.” – John Muir

8.6 miles, 24,000+ steps, 99 floors/flights. 4 hours.

Those were the stats logged on my fitness tracker from Sunday’s stroll up and down Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park on Mount Desert Island, Maine. This, on top of mountain climbs on both Saturday and Monday, making it a perfect 3-3 hiking weekend.

Cadillac Mountain was the one I thought just might break me – the now “out of shape” and imperfectly perfect, middle-aged me. This hike was a mental game. Just about everyone I met on the trail was in their 20’s and clearly physically fit. I felt like I was back in weight-loss boot camp pushing myself past every mental limit or barrier just to finish with some dignity.

Near the end of the 4.2-mile hike down the mountain, I focused my attention on things other than how tired and sore my knees were from the pounding. I kept my self-motivation tape on speed dial and kept repeating: “Lor, we’ve got this. You can totally do this!Read more

Learn to live a WHOLE life, not just a busy one!

Join us in Bangor, Maine on Oct. 4th for this interactive and eye-opening workshop

in-the-equation-green-gem-workshop-2016Are you too busy to be healthy? Have you given up your biggest goals and dreams? Do you find yourself stressed about how to fit it all in and get it all done? If yes, then you’re not alone.

As modern day leaders, we juggle many different roles, and we’ve become the undeniable experts at multitasking. Many of us pride ourselves on our ability to juggle and do it all. But is that a good thing? What happens when we slip out of the equation of our own lives and end up doing everything for everyone else with precious little time to care for and nurture ourselves?

Trust me, I get it! I got so far out of the equation of my own life that I wasn’t even in it. I spent much of my adult life building a successful career and business, working myself almost to death – literally! At my tipping point, I weighed 381 lbs., worked 12 to 18 hours a day – seven days a week, got precious little sleep, and survived on a diet of fast and processed food.

But then I learned to put myself in the equation and practice self-care. Read more

A butt-kicking boost at the Blue Hill YMCA

A great workout. A great asset to the community.

1234016_599214096768301_528006466_nI just finished a butt-kicking workout at The Blue Hill YMCA. The one-hour class was called “Fall Fitness Mixup” and included a 15-min warm up, followed by a high-energy cardio circuit training and a cool down stretch. It was my first class at the local YMCA in Maine and it was GREAT!

Sometimes we don’t realize how lucky we are to have opportunities all around us for achieving our health and fitness goals — especially when we’re feeling unmotivated or stuck. The fact is, we all feel this way at times. It’s what we do during those “stuck” times that matters most.

I first discovered The Blue Hill YMCA this early summer upon the referral of a new friend who took the time to introduce me to the lead trainers and managers. I was welcomed immediately. I got a personal tour of the workout space and a meeting with co-managers Annie Grindal and Joy Bragdon. It’s then that I learned the story of how this awesome little YMCA has grown to a full six-day schedule — year round — in a small community that values health and fitness.

I was instantly hooked. Read more

My first “real” press hits newstands

Hi all,

Thanks for your love, support and kind messages this past week as my Minnesota Monthly Magazine makeover piece hit newsstands. I have been inundated with calls, emails and facebook greetings in the past 4-5 days. I am humbled and blessed by your belief in me. Thank you! The article is now posted online and you can read it here.  Read more

An active vacation, a mountain climb with the sisters…life is good!

I just noticed the drought in blog communication and decided to take a time out to focus on Lori.

I was on vacation this past week and, as a result, the work is piled high. Read more


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