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Posts tagged ‘moonsets and moonrises’

Solstice: A time to restart & let go of what no longer serves us

lori-summer2016Happy Summer Solstice! Today is the longest day and shortest night of the year. And for many, a time to let go of what no longer serves us and open ourselves up to meaningful change.

This is not the blog I intended to write today. But as I was working my way back into my email this morning, I read this blog post from Elephant Journal and it struck a chord: Summer Solstice: Moving on what from no longer serves us.

I’m not necessarily into astrology, but how can you not be into welcoming the long, warm days of summer — especially if you live in Minnesota?! And this year, the Summer Solstice coincides with a full moon. Cool!

I am a believer in sunrises and sunsets, moonrises and moonsets. And, I’m a believer that when we get comfortable with our true, authentic selves and quiet the mind long enough to listen to our heart — that’s when change really happens. Read more


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