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Posts tagged ‘put yourself in the equation’

Awareness – step one to real change…

ITE_Awareness_Quote…and greater happiness!

The deeper I get into this journey of wholeness, and my personal transformation, the more important I realize one factor is: Awareness.

In my keynote speech, Put Yourself in the Equation & Transform Your Life, I talk about how once I became aware of what I was practicing in my life that wasn’t working for me, it got uncomfortable. And then almost impossible to ignore. That’s when I decided I had to do something about it.

When the unconscious became conscious — that’s really when my transformation began. Why? Because it opened me up to the possibilities and opportunities for change when they presented themselves. Before that, I wasn’t looking. I wasn’t open. And I had lost hope for a different life. I was just going through the motions of my day and my life giving everything to everyone else and believing I wasn’t deserving or capable of something better. I had convinced myself that this wasn’t so bad and maybe this was to be my life path.

It was only when I stopped long enough and was brave enough to ask and answer big questions that I became aware of the truth and was willing to face it. I realized that I wasn’t even in the equation of my own life. And, that continuing on the path I had carved for myself — working 12 to 18 hours days, 7 days a week in my start up marketing business, not sleeping, and living on a diet of fast and processed food — doomed me to a small and unfulfilling life. An unhealthy life that had cut me off from true romantic love and — worse — was likely to be cut short by stroke, diabetes, or heart disease because all three run in my family. I knew then that only I could change it. And I had to do something. Read more

“Put yourself In the equation” at Blue Hill YMCA

This Wednesday, Sept. 10, I will be sharing my transformation story and tips for putting yourself in the center of the equation of your own life and achieving your big, hairy audacious goals and dreams. Join us at the Blue Hill YMCA, a branch of the Downeast Family YMCA, at 5:30 p.m.. The event is free and open to the public. Details below. Please RSVP to save your seat, seating will be limited. Hope to see you there!


Declaration of intention – join me?

Declaration of intentionAs I was thinking about and writing my last blog on intention vs. resolution and how both have manifested in my life, I came across this awesome tool.

I love it for its simplicity and yet how it makes me really think about what I want/ intend…what I am willing to embrace and let go of to get it. Even what stands in the way.

I love that it is a declaration of my intention in a simple and powerful format. That I can pin it on my wall or save it as the background on my computer so it is always visible. And I love that it reminds me/us at the very bottom (in case I/we temporarily forget) — we are awesome, we are enough. Read more

Exploring the questions that lead to transformational change

Rilke-QuestionsI absolutely love this quote by Rilke. How often do we ask and answer the toughest questions in our lives? The questions that lie deep in our heart – sometimes standing between where we are and what we desire most? The type of questions that can lead us to transformational change…

For most of us, the answer is rarely or never. It took a long time for me to open myself up to deep questioning, reflection and personal exploration. To find the courage to go deep and the patience to allow myself to “live” into the answers. Read more

In the equation on Facebook – join us!

In the Equation on FacebookI am excited to announce that we’ve created an “In the Equation” online community on Facebook. This community is for anyone working to put themselves in the equation of their own life. Many are actively working a plan or program to do so, while others are just learning and exploring the journey and hoping to connect with those who will inspire them.

What does it mean to put yourself in the equation? It means whatever you need it to mean to YOU. Read more

Come hear my story at Balance for Life

My first speech open to the public!

I frequently get asked if there are opportunities to hear me tell my story in person vs just in my blog. Well now, finally, the answer is YES!

I will be giving my first speech that is open to the public on Saturday, January 19, 2013, from 10-11 a.m. at Balance for Life Fitness Center in Shoreview.

Read more

Me…a cover girl! Really?!

Today I saw the September issue of Duluth Superior Magazine for the first time. The issue is focused on spirituality and health and it hit newsstands this past week. And, I am the cover girl!

Yes, indeed, the cover features a photo of Leif Anderson, my transformation coach, holding me at my celebration party on the North Shore. Inside the magazine, you can read the story of my transformation titled, Changing the equation,” and a “how to” sidebar describing how I put myself in the center of the equation of my life and lost more than 200 pounds, 47.5% body fat, and became a fit, happy and active girl.

Cover girl

When Wendy Webb, the editor of Duluth Superior Magazine, saw the photo of Leif holding me she immediately suggested she wanted to run it with my personal essay. But it wasn’t until a week or two before printing that I learned the photo would appear on the cover of the magazine! When I first saw it, I had mixed feelings. Part of me was excited and happy — how fun to be a cover girl, right?! But another part of me was apprehensive…a bit self-conscious. Perhaps further proof that my head has not caught up with my transformation on the outside. Sometimes I still see the fat girl, not the newly transformed woman I am today. But I’m working on it!

Ironically, this cover photo almost didn’t happen. It was Leif’s idea to take the shot and I remember him trying to sell me on the idea. At the time, I didn’t grasp the magnitude of the moment. All I could think was that he wouldn’t be able to lift me or would hurt himself doing so.

It took a fair amount of coaxing from Leif (who reminded me that he knows exactly what I weigh) and some coaching from fellow Fitness North trainer Jay Grove to get the shot that now appears on the magazine cover. The truth is, it is the most fitting tribute to my transformation journey under Leif’s expert guidance. It shows both my transformation on the outside and our mutual happiness on the inside. It truly was one of the most memorable moments of my life. It’s not every day that a girl gets swept off her feet, right?! And if you are 350+ pounds, well, let’s just say “it ain’t gonna happen!”

So a special thank you to Leif Anderson for suggesting the photo and sharing in this special moment. To Jay Grove for the coaching to get the lift just right! And to both Leif and Jay for not letting my dress ride up! lol Finally, a big thank you to my friend and documentary photographer, Jean Voxland, for perfectly and beautifully capturing the moment. Jean also took my second favorite photo — the one of my mentor O’Neal Hampton and Leif hugging me — that appears inside the magazine. Another capstone shot on a perfect celebration party night.

Sharing my story…inspiring others

While appearing on the cover of the magazine is special, I am even more excited about the opportunity to tell the story of how I changed the equation, flipped my life upside down and, for the first time since I can remember, put myself and my health at the center of my life. In the process, I transformed my body and reignited my life. Duluth Superior Magazine gave me an opportunity to share my story to inspire others and to tell how I did it in a sidebar titled, “Five principles for putting yourself in the equation.”

I hope you will read the article here and let me know what you think. If you are someone who struggles to make time and space in your life to take care of you; feels things in your life are out of balance and your dreams are out of reach; or if you have significant weight to lose but can’t seem to get there on your own — to you, my message is simple: YOU CAN DO THIS!  There is no question that if I can do it, YOU can do it too. It is within your grasp. And like O’Neal and Leif did for me, I am here to help. Connect with me here and let’s chat. Life on the other side of fear is a blast and you deserve true happiness. We all do.



P.S. You can read the full article and sidebar in PDF form here. The magazine can be purchased on major newsstands in Duluth and the North Shore region. As of now, I cannot find it in the Twin Cities but hope there will be a link online soon.

**Special thanks to my new friend Julie Slowiak from Duluth who purchased magazines and sent them to me! 🙂



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