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Posts tagged ‘what next’

Honor the space between no longer and not yet

Today I’m sharing ramblings from my journal because there is a lesson here for me…and maybe for you!

ITE_Between_Quote2I don’t want to let go of what is no longer mine. I changed my mind! I still really love what I lost. It was comfortable and safe. I knew where I was going. I knew the end goal. I was on a mission.

And I was happy. I felt love and connection. I was moving toward a dream. I was NOT done yet when it was ripped from me. And I don’t want to let go! (Even if I know letting go is absolutely right for ME.)

I’m uncomfortable. I want to know what’s next.  And then I want to do, achieve, go, and live into it. I want to feel that spark inside again. The one that makes me unstoppable. I know I can soar, and I’m ready. Let’s go! I like that space better. The soaring part. I want to move forward at warp speed to the next big thing. Read more

Mountain climbing therapy

lorionPenobscot“It’s not the mountain we conquer, it’s ourselves.” – Edmund Hillary

I love this quote! It rings true for me and is symbolic of my personal transformation.

Five years ago, I simply could not have imagined that I would be climbing mountains for fun. Seeking new rigorous trails, taller/steeper mountaintops, and celebrating successfully navigating cliff trails (well, okay, minor cliffs).

Yet, it is on the mountain top, that I see most clearly. It is here that I feel centered and in my equation; in touch with who I am and what I want in this great life. Here, I am accomplished and strong…brave and fearless…happy and grateful. And, it is here that I find the courage to do hard things. Read more

When was the last time you challenged yourself?

…REALLY challenged yourself. What happened next?

ITE_Quote2Most of us live inside our self-defined comfort zone. Often that means we play it safe or live masked by fear of going for what we really, really, really want in life. For some of us, that fear can mask itself in excuses and rationalization.

I know this because I lived in a safety net of fear and a default mode of “not going for it” for most of my adult life. But when I found the courage to push past that fear; when I figured out what I REALLY wanted and went for it — well, amazing things happened. That’s when I realized that I can do anything! And that’s when I started living from the default of “going for it” instead of playing it safe.

It’s not easy to challenge yourself to do hard things. But I find that every time I do, I not only feel a sense of pride for the accomplishment, but it ups the ante of what I’m capable of and what I attract in my life. And that is the coolest thing! Read more

Step forward toward your goals

From the unknown, to familiar, to conquered, to what’s next?!

My Bud

Bud, my walking partner ready to roll!

As I was walking the Blue Hill Loop last week with my beloved, Bud, it occurred to me that the first time I walked this 2.5 mile loop, it felt far more difficult and I wasn’t certain I’d make it. It was new and unfamiliar territory and surprisingly up hill. Randy was walking at an incredibly fast clip and there were times I was struggling to keep up. (And, I was the one who was supposed to be in shape!).

I remember asking several times how much farther we had to go. I didn’t know where I was, how far into the journey, or how to get home. The uncertainty was nagging at me.

When my Mom visited in July, we walked the Loop and she reacted the same way that I did that first time. It felt challenging and she kept asking how much farther and if there was a short cut. (To my Mom’s credit, she is in her 70’s and was brave enough to tackle the walk!)

I can’t help wonder if sometimes the fear of the unknown stops us short of taking on new things…of really going for our big, hairy, audacious goals — or even doing little things because they are unfamiliar. We worry they might be difficult, we might not succeed, and the outcome is uncertain. Read more


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