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Got sleep?

Boy did I get a lesson in sleep these past few days. It’s so insightful that I have to share.

We all have times when life gets totally nuts, right? People want us, need us, demand us… Earlier this week, I was feeling like there wasn’t enough of me to go around. I couldn’t get to everyone and everything.

Then, I stopped for a second and realized that, once again, I had taken the focus off me! I was slipping out of the center of the equation and my non-negotiable list to keep Lori in the equation – like getting a minimum of 6 to 7 hours of sleep – was indeed slipping. I was trying to do it all, please everyone else, and still hold myself in the equation. But, the primary focus was moving to those other things…and people. I shifted my focus inadvertently to everything I felt I SHOULD do and WANTED to do vs. what I NEEDED to do to stay strong, focused, and moving forward to reach my goal. And let’s face it, as much as I think I am super woman – my powers are limited!

As I was figuring this out, I was letting my sleep slip first and foremost. For more than a week, I averaged only 6 hours a night and the last three nights 5, 5 and then way less than 5. A slippery slope. Consequently, I started to notice that everything was more difficult. At work, everything was tougher and less productive than it could/should be. Clients were way more frustrating. It was tough to get up for my workouts and they were less intense than if I were fully rested. My relationships were starting to strain as I got crabbier and crabbier about all of the above. And, I wasn’t as creative or fun as I want to be in my personal or professional life.

So last night, I nipped it in the bud. I got off the working treadmill with miles and miles to go and lots of unfinished strategies and plans. And, I did NOT get up to work out this morning at 6 a.m.. Instead, I got 7.25 hours of sleep. I know this because of my super, handy dandy Fitbit Ultra that tracks my quality sleep. I LOVE that thing!

The result: I awoke this morning feeling refreshed and raring to go! And guess what? I am so creative in the first few hours of my day I can hardly stand it. Creative, full of energy, ready to take on the world.

Sleep, my friends, is very, very, very important. You read this and hear it from experts, but until you really experience it (and learn the lesson – for some of us over and over), you don’t realize just what a difference it makes. In everything! I am a happier, more energized and creative marketer and human being today. I know I will rock the world. I already am!

So much fun to be had. So sleep. Sometimes at the expense of other things. When you do, it will make those other things possible.

Now, I can hear my trainers as they read this – oh, but there are still many more hours to work out today! 🙂

Hugs. Sweet dreams!

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