I’m back! Tell me something good…

Hello peeps! I’m back after a short hiatus from the blog to practice self care. Thank you for your understanding and your patience with the lapse in the blog for a couple of weeks.
I’m thrilled to be back on #taxday and #motivationmonday! I’ve got lots of fun stuff in the works, but for today I just want you to TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD!
I love this practice, almost as much as my gratitude practice. When you need a pick me up, you can always find at least ONE good thing. Usually more. Tell a friend you’re one good thing or post it here. I promise you it is contagious.
Want to learn more about this Tell me Something good practice? Read my September 2015 blog post here.
Here are my personal “Tell me something goods” for today. I think I am on a roll.
- We’re on a string of beautiful, warm spring days in Mpls-St.
Paul, MN — countless 70+ degree days in the past month (79 degrees this weekend 2x) — excellent for my outdoor cardio, not to mention my mood!
- I had an awesome strength training workout this morning & a walk around my lake; going for long walk #2 later today.
- Two close friends called to wish me a happy Monday this morning. How cool is that?
- I got my taxes done and mailed ahead of deadline.
- Today I sent my first In the Equation E-newsletter and announced a new In the Equation coaching program — can’t wait to tell you more about it!
- I have a no-meeting, stay-at-home work day and expect to be wildly productive.
- This weekend I get to host my NEW favorite workshop on how to put yourself in the equation and life a WHOLE life, not just a busy one at MSP FitFest.
- I got my new Nike red tennis shoes and LOVE them!
What is your tell me something good for this Tax Day and Motivation Monday? Please post below or private message me.
It’s good to be back. Hope you have an awesome, in-your-equation week!