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Operation Self-Care!

Good for mind, body and soul

ITE_everything_QuoteBHappy Monday, peeps! This week I’m taking a self-care time out. For those of you in need, I hope this inspires you to join me.

After a week that brought a major family health crisis, a business trip out of state, and the emotional stress that comes along with the combo, I’ve decided to give myself a blogging break to put my time and energy where it is most needed and to practice complete self-care.

ITE_Survival_quote_instagramFor me, that means focusing on my family and being there for them this week. Focusing like a laser beam on my business opportunities out of state, and taking extra precautions to make sure Lori is in the equation during this stressful and busy time.

What does self care look like during times of stress? Well, it’s unique to you and whatever YOU need. And only you can answer this for yourself. For many of us during times of stress, it includes taking time out to nurture and care for ourselves, and sometimes it means giving ourselves permission to say no when we need to.

For me this week it will include long walks on the ocean and a rigorous mountain climb. Daily check-ins with my sister and my family. Time in my schedule to prepare for my business opportunities while balancing work at home. Plenty of social interaction with supportive friends who are needed to help feed the soul during this tough time. Perhaps, a massage or pedicure if I can fit it in. And, plenty of sleep.

There are times when we need to admit to ourselves and others — we can’t do it all. And we need to take extra good care of ourselves, so that we do give, works — both for us and the receiver. This is what it means to be in your equation. When you work, everything else works better. I’m living proof. And I am practicing what I teach this week.

So if you were looking for a motivational blog this week, I hope this is it. And, if not, thank you for your understanding. You can check out some of our most clicked and popular blog posts of late below, including a few about practicing self-care.

On a personal note, this week I carry with me the inspiration of my beloved sister who after a massive stroke 50 days ago is in the fight of her life yet again and winning. I am inspired by the opportunity to practice and teach self-care this week at an In the Equation workshop for the Wellness Council of Maine. And I am inspired by you — our In the Equation community. Twice this past week, I’ve received personal notes encouraging me to keep blogging, keep speaking, and keep paying it forward. You have no idea what that means to me and how it propels me forward. Thank you.

Sometimes we all need a time out for major OPERATION SELF CARE! This is that time for me. It may last one week or two, I’ll let you know. In the meantime, have a fabulous and in-your-equation week. And take care of you.



Read these blogs for further inspiration to put yourself in the equation. Enjoy:

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