A whole new level…WWLD!

Was feeling a bit sluggish this morning when I forced myself out of bed one half hour late for my walk around Como. The first minute or two were slow – off my usual pace – although my back feels so much better (yay…almost 100%). I kept telling myself to pick it up, but my feet didn’t seem to respond. Most of you have probably had mornings, days or workouts like that. It happens.
About two minutes in, I started thinking about BL11 Olivia and BL11 Hannah and how incredible they look. I love their fun and spunky attitudes as they head into their new lives. Then, I imagined myself at goal weight (pictured it in detail – cute sexy workout outfit, new sassy haircut…). I started smiling and imagining what it would be like to travel with my big pants to speak, motivate and inspire others who share this struggle. And I kept smiling as I imagined in detail the new at-goal-weight Lori and sister Kristine – just like Hannah and Olivia! The pace quickened.
Before I knew it, I was playing a mental game of let’s haul b_ _ _and see how many people you can pass on the walk. And, pass I did! Couples were easy –they were slow and into each other, not the walk. Dog owners were easy — some had a quick pace but the dog would act up and I was off. The men, pretty easy because of the motivation to: 1) see the view from the back and the front; and 2) My competitive nature – I’ll show them I can move! Before I knew it, I had passed about 8 people and felt like maybe I was back at FN with the Chief – Leif Anderson – telling me to “pick up the pace…keep moving…you can do it, Lori…you’re a fat burning machine!…REACH YOUR POTENTIAL!” Not necessarily in that order.
By the end of my walk, I beat my best time by nearly 5 minutes! At this point, I could stop and head home or ask myself: WWLD – “What Would Leif Do?” Or, more accurately, “What Would Leif Say?” Without hesitation, I kept walking up the hill to the waterfall and — with a brief pause to imagine myself with my sister, Olivia and Hannah at goal weight — I kept moving around the upper trail. The view was gorgeous! This was a part of the park I hadn’t seen on foot or experienced before. And I was movin. What a cool perspective from which to view my lake…and life!
Without missing a beat, and with the phrase WWLD, I hit every hill hard. I took every trail and I walked for another 15 to 20 minutes — running slowly up some hills just to see how my back would do. The entire time, I heard Leif’s voice in my head coaching me on. And yes, at the top of the hills I did the Rocky fist pump and I don’t care who saw me! 🙂
At the end of the walk, as I was “walking it off” to let the heart rate slow after the hills, I started to think about WIFM – What’s In It For Me. WIFM is the common phrase that marketers and communicators keep in mind when thinking about their target markets. Consumers will always think/ask/be motivated by – WIFM.
Of course, for me…on this glorious morning, the answer is easy. I pictured myself again at goal weight smiling from ear to ear, helping people with my story and my big pants. By the way, in my visualization, I am wearing a hot little red skin tight workout jacket and pants and lookin really good!
The best part of this story, and it encapsulates what I have learned these past 7 months, is this: I KNOW that although today I asked myself WWLD to get me through the workout with high intensity – pushing myself beyond what I would normally do.Tomorrow, I will say, WWLD (What Would LORI Do?)…and it will be the same answer. That, my friends, is progress.
I'm so proud of you Lori, you're in inspiration!!!