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Posts from the ‘Quotes & Fun’ Category

Living from intention, not “old” habits

ITE_Intention_QuoteHappy Monday Morning peeps! My wish for you — and for me — this week is to live life more from intention and less from habit. That’s how change starts. And then those intentions can become NEW healthy habits.

This is not just one of my favorite motivational quotes, but also the key to living a WHOLE life, not just a busy one. It’s the place where real change takes place.

When we focus on what we really, really, really want and establish that as a clear intention and non-negotiable, we give ourselves permission to go for it and a clear path to live more from intention and less from habit.

Along the way, we become more mindful, more aware of what we’re practicing that is working (or not) on the path to this intention, and we begin to open ourselves up to the possibilities and the opportunities presented to us. Read more

Join us at FitFest 2016!

Lori Schaefer of In the Equation at MSP FitFest.2015

Lori Schaefer, In the Equation, at MSP FitFest 2015

Are you too busy to be healthy? Have you given up your biggest goals and dreams? Do you find yourself stressed about how to fit it all in?

What better way to put yourself in the equation and jumpstart a healthier YOU than by attending an all-day fitness and wellness extravaganza? Get inspired and motivated by the latest and greatest in fitness classes and cool seminars on weight loss, nutrition, healthy living and more — including mine!

Join us at MSP Magaizne’s FitFest 2016 on Saturday, April 23rd at the University of Minnesota’s state of the art Recreation & Wellness Center. I am delighted to be presenting a new workshop at 11 a.m. titled: Put Yourself in the Equation & Re-ignite Your Life. Read more

Grateful for strong women, always

This blog is dedicated to my brave & beautiful sister Lisa

Happy International Women’s Day! Today, we get to celebrate strong women — those who inspire us, guide us, love us, lead us, and live with us. Those for whom we are grateful because they empower us, grow with us, listen to us, mentor us, “be” with us. Those who are generous with their time.

While International Women’s Day was founded to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women — something I totally celebrate — to me, it’s also about celebrating the women in my life who are strong and brave, those who have helped me find my strong.

Just like this beautiful quote from author Elizabeth Gilbert (a pretty kick-ass woman in her own right), the women I admire most in the world are those that have found their “strong” with grit and grace…because stuff didn’t always work out, yet they handled it. They survived, thrived, found their voice, and in many cases at the same time their calling. They rose again and again when shit didn’t work out. Yep, those are the women I admire and can relate to. And thus, this quote is one of my all-time favs! Read more

Why is asking for help so hard?

bestrongenoughDo you consider yourself strong? I do. How about brave? Yep, I do. Do you have trouble asking for help when you need it? I do! Yes, on all counts!

That’s why I love and aspire to this quote by Mark Amend — especially the “be brave enough to ask for it” part.

It turns out, asking for help is one area that continues to trip me up. With all of the progress I’ve made in my personal transformation, asking for help is still difficult. Somehow in my head, I have the notion that I am stronger if I go it alone. When in reality, that has not proven true. And when I do need help from those closest to me, there’s still a part of me that secretly hopes and expects them to know it and do so without my asking.

Did I mention, I am a work in progress?! Read more

Protein & weight loss. Myth vs. fact.

Test your knowledge with this cool protein quiz

leanprotein-1024x999How well do you know your facts about protein & its role in weight loss? If you’re a little sketchy on the facts and subscribe to a few of the myths, don’t worry, you can learn. I did!

When I first started my transformation journey more than five years ago, I could barely list the lean proteins vs healthy fats vs carbs. And I certainly didn’t know my protein fact from myth, nor did I understand how important this macronutrient is to weight loss.

To me, protein is the super macronutrient  and learning about it was key to both my losing 200+ lbs and keeping it off. Not only is protein is a key component of every cell in your body. It gives you energy, repairs bones and muscles, and helps build a strong immune system. It also can be a key component in weight loss — if you know which proteins are lean and healthy, how much to eat, and when. Read more

Be a warrior for love


Love. It starts with you.

Tips for beginning to walk toward self-love and acceptance

self-loveSomewhere along my path of personal transformation, I’ve found a self-love and acceptance that brings me peace, joy and a centeredness that grounds me every day. I now love and accept myself exactly as I am — imperfections and all. For real. And that means I am more patient and kind to myself, more forgiving and gentle. And I’ve opened myself up to all kinds of other amazing love as a result.

The coolest part of this is that I’ve traveled here from almost the exact opposite end of the spectrum. From a place of almost unconscious, undetected struggle inside to ever be good enough, smart enough, beautiful enough, strong enough, sexy enough…

Yep, I came from a place that often allowed self-loathing to this amazing new place where I have a deep sense of self-respect, self-care and self-love. There’s a new, stronger and beautiful voice inside me that is able to counter and drown out (most of the time) my inner critic.

This was NOT an easy thing! It was not a one-time event. I can’t even tell you exactly when or how it happened for me. I just know that along the way of my external transformation to lose 200+ lbs, all the while working internally on recognizing, quieting and then changing my internal voice, I literally found myself. My beautiful, amazing, resilient and loving self! Read more

Dancin in the kitchen! My favorite indoor workout

My No-Excuses Workout at home during a blizzard!
Part of our back-to-basics series – revisiting the nuts & bolts of getting healthy & fit

lori-workoutkitchenYesterday in the aftermath of a snowstorm, I decided to stay in to work out. Somehow bundling up, shoveling out, and trudging out in the snow didn’t appeal at 6 am. So instead I put on the all-time new favorite play list and for 30 min I rocked it in the kitchen. It was a fun and great workout.

Jumping jacks, high knees, high kicks, speed skaters, lunges, squats, boxing footwork & jabs, my own version of Dirty Dancing footwork, shaking my booty and stepin it out (and a whole lot more of lunging and squatting). It was a great work out and I incorporated total body because I worked on getting my heart rate up and used weights intermittently for strength.

Most importantly, it really was fun. I think I perfected a few dance moves that will serve me well in my future dates when I take it to the dance floor in public! (Lucky guys who get to dance with me.) 😉 Read more


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