From 381 pounds to boot camp to half marathon

Two years ago, I weighed 360+ pounds and by this time of day, at 8:45 a.m., I was several hours into day one of a live-in weight loss boot camp where we worked out 6-8 hours per day, pushing way past what we thought were our physical limits.
Today, on the two-year anniversary of my official transformation start, Women’s Running Magazine featured my blog in their Blogger on the Run series.
Read the Women’s Running Blogger on the Run feature.
In two years, I went from my highest weight of 381 pounds and not being able to walk to the end of my block (I live in the middle of the block), to live-in weight loss boot camp (think Biggest Loser style) where they pushed us past what we thought we were capable of (and I cried, puked, and I said “I can’t” about 15 times per day) to rockin’ my first ever half marathon in Aug. 2012 at -210 pounds and nearly 50% body fat.
If I can do it, you can do it. I mean it. Yes, you can!
I post this to inspire you, encourage you, cheer you and give you hope. If you are ready to go and want to change your life, contact me on my blog and let me know how I can help you.
I am simply overwhelmed today with emotion in how far I have come and at my physical transformation. What a fun surprise to have the Women’s Running blogger feature hit on the exact day I started my journey.
Now, today, I celebrate as a fit, healthy and active girl. I feel amazing. And the difference between where I was two years ago and where I am today, well it’s astounding.
Click on the links below to read the blogs I wrote about my Women’s Half Marathon experience and my photo gallery from the race.
From fat girl in an office chair to fit girl knocking out a half marathon
Celebrating transformation half marathon style
Congratulations on the feature in Women’s Running Magazine, Lori 🙂 Whoo hoo!!!
Woman, you so inspire me, and make me believe I can achieve too! Cannot wait til we rock out a half marathon together…when I reach goal!
You inspire me as well, Kim. I look forward to the half marathon where you will outpace me as I power walk, not run! 🙂