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Growing. Evolving. Changing…Resilience.

Resilience can make all the difference between happiness & self-fulfillment…& not. Check out my favorite resilience quotes.

strength-and-resilienceI’ve been thinking a lot about the word resilient, lately. Mostly, I’ve been appreciating how often life requires resilience and how important it has been in my transformation journey.

I didn’t always have resilience. I had to learn it. I had to develop a new skill and a new outlook that now guides me through the toughest stuff. And I am grateful.

Resilience-quoteResilience is defined as being “able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.” But I love how this 15 year old defined it: “Bouncing back from problems with more power and more smarts.” Awesome. I’d love to know that 15 year old.

The truth is sometimes we just want to whine and throw in the towel — give up when the going gets hard. Certainly, that is the easier path.

But developing the skill of resilience means hanging in there and learning from those tough spots. It also means learning when to let go and move on.

I love this quote above from Steve Maraboli: “Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving. We get stronger and more resilient.”

So true. If we’re lucky. I feel like one of the lucky ones.

It turns out I wrote a blog on the topic of resilience and shared some of my favorite quotes in January 2014. So, here is the link again for those who are in a similar place and want to read more. Check out the inspiring quotes at the end of the blog. Some of my favs.

Click here to read: Resilience. I love this word!




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