In the Equation Coaching now available

Need help to put yourself in the equation & live the healthy, well life you desire & deserve? Our second coaching group program kicks off next January!
What better day to announce the next chapter of my In the Equation work than on #MotivationMonday. Starting this Fall, I’m offering In the Equation life and transformation coaching.
During the past eight months, I’ve been trained as a health and wellness coach and developed an innovative transformative weight loss & wellness coaching program for those who want to change their lives and live WHOLE, healthy and happy — like me!
It’s been four years since I reached my goal weight and have maintained a -200 lb weight loss and healthy, in-the-equation lifestyle. During that time, I’ve been blogging and sharing my transformation story and principles for losing the weight and living well. And the most frequently asked questions I get: “How did you do it?” And, “Can I get help like you did to lose the weight and get my life back?”
Well, the answer to the last question is YES! The how and the help and support now come in the form of hands-on coaching offered by me — someone whose been there and done that and shares the ongoing journey of transformation every day.
Today at In the Equation, we’re announcing three exciting (pilot) coaching programs.
Here’s a quick overview of each program and approach.
1. Individual health and wellness coaching: One-on-one coaching customized to you and your specific health and wellness needs and challenges. As your coach, I will help you look at your life (from 30,000 feet) and define what a WHOLE life with YOU in the equation means to you and why it’s important. We’ll explore your unique YOU equation and determine what you’re ready to change. The vision, goals and the action steps are all about you — with me as your ally, partner and guide to the side. For coaching to work, you must be ready to go 100+% ALL IN, and be open
and ready for the change in your life that you desire.
- I am only taking on a few clients for individual coaching this year. So if you’re interested in this approach, it’s best to set up a free coaching call with me and we’ll explore it together. You can do so by connecting with me here.
2. In the Equation Weight Loss & Wellness Group Program (Pilot): This is the most exciting and innovative of my pilot coaching offerings this year. Six to eight individuals will begin their In the Equation transformation journey in a small group coaching model via the web and phone coaching. This program is open to anyone, anywhere in the country on a first come, first served basis.
This 12-week comprehensive coaching program systematizes the process and principles that I used to lose -211 lbs., 11 pant sizes, and achieve self-love and acceptance, build confidence and gain internal happiness. The program combines behavioral science, professional coaching techniques for lifestyle change, and lived experience to help participants break through and spark personal transformation and fulfillment.
- Our second group coaching program will begin in January 2017. If you are ready to embark on an intensive, personalized transformation journey to spark lasting lifestyle change — this program is the one for you.
- You will learn the “In the Equation” philosophy & lifestyle – prioritizing self-care and taking charge of personal health decisions. And, through weekly program coaching modules you’ll get specific help to:
- Push past fear and anxiety to tackle the big change you desire and deserve;
- Better understand how important your mindset and developing your resiliency are to your success (and learn to develop these skills);
- Better understand your self-sabotage and how to counter those “gremlin voices” of negative self talk;
- Find a nutritional, exercise and self-care approach that helps YOU achieve lasting success;
- And more!
- For more information, download the Individual Transformative Weight Loss & Wellness Coaching handout here. Or, contact me to set up an individual call to explore coaching for you.
3. In the Equation Transformative Weight-Loss Coaching Program — For Workplace Wellness: This intense 16-week program is offered through an organization or company’s workplace wellness effort for the benefit of its employees. It is a transformative weight-loss and wellness coaching program custom designed by me — Lori Schaefer, In the Equation. And, like the individual program it combines behavioral science, professional coaching techniques and lived experience to help inspire, motivate and empower employees to improve their overall health and happiness from the inside out.
If you’re an employer or organization interested in learning more about this program, download the handout here, and/or contact me personally here. In 2016 and 2017, I am offering a pilot program special rate. Pricing models can also be customized to fit the organization or company’s workplace wellness needs and model.
What do all three In the Equation coaching programs have in common?
- All coaching programs are rooted in behavioral science and professional coaching techniques, combined with lived experience. You get a coach who’s lived with similar challenges, gotten totally out of the equation and found success — and maintained it.
- Each program is rooted in the In the Equation lifestyle and philosophy and provides a proven process and principles for lasting lifestyle change. However, at the same time, they are also customized to you, your body, your needs. You walk away with knowledge of key principles and processes AND insight into what works for YOU. It is NOT a “one-size fits all” or “just eat less and exercise more” approach.
- For the program to be successful, you must be ready to commit and go 100% all in, understanding this is not a magic pill or solution. For personal coaching (or anything to work), you have to be willing and brave enough to open yourself up and do the work. And when you are — that’s when the magic happens!
Learn more about In the Equation coaching by visiting our coaching page here, or by contacting me and setting up a personal call here.
One more thing
I know you might be scared of failure, scared of success, or simply apprehensive about the process. That fear, anxiety and apprehension may manifest itself of the form of excuses. It did for me! So, if you really, really, really want to put yourself in the equation and change your life, just take the first step and let’s chat. There’s only one way to prove it to yourself you can do this. I know because I’ve been there. It took me nearly 40 years getting up the nerve to push past my fear and put myself first, and when I did — well, WOW, amazing things happened. I know you can do this no matter how impossible it seems.
We’ve got this! Cheers.
Looking to be more healthy.