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Look up. Inspiration is all around!

ITE_Equation_QuoteHey peeps, happy Monday morning to ya. Right now, in this moment, I want you to stop what you’re doing and think of and tell me something good! It’s the perfect way to start the day.

My something good — actually great — is that I just became a new auntie again. We welcome Alexis Hope into our family. And I’m so excited to meet her! Oh, and how about that super moon eclipse combo last night? WOW!

Today’s blog is about INSPIRATION. We all need it. Most of us seek it. Some of us crave it. And some of us even aim to “be” it.

Inspiration is all around us…WHEN we’re open to it.

But we’re not always open to it. We’re not always paying attention.

When I was weighed more than an NFL Defensive Lineman and was NOT in the equation of my own life, but rather taking care of everyone and everything else, I was the hamster on the wheel with my head down. I wasn’t paying attention to the inspiration that was all around me. Instead I was working to get through the days and distracting myself with work, food, and a long to-do list that didn’t even have “ME” on it. I wasn’t even in the picture of my own life and was looking outside of myself for happiness and fulfillment.

Now, as a healthy and happy girl living in the center of her equation, I spend part of every day seeking inspiration and hoping to inspire someone else along the way. And it’s so much more fun living this way! Even and especially when things are hard — inspiration can spur us on.

This past week, I’ve found inspiration in the daily quotes that come across my email; in conversations with friends; in the work of a new life-changing project that I am oooooohhhhhhhhh so excited about; in the baby steps of progress healing my back/sciatica; in that spectacular moon last night; in everything about the season of fall! And, in the fact that I’m a new Auntie again.

Have you ever stopped to think about where you find your inspiration?

Below are just a few examples of the inspirational nuggets that have crossed my path in the last week. Check them out. I know at least one of them will make you smile, cry or inspire you to “go for it” on this day/week!

Lori’s nuggets of inspiration – September 2015.

  1. Fat Girl Running. Check out this amazing story of Mirna, the runner whose aim is to take negative connotations away from the word, “fat.” Unfortunately, the story is titled “Fat Girl Running” by NBC Nightly News. But kudos to NBC for sharing Mirna’s awesome story of strength, determination, endurance, and courage. I love this! I want to meet Mirna. She is a true inspiration.
  2. loveyourbody-courtesyoffitbottomedgirlsDo you love your body. Your whole body, just the way it is? I LOVE this provocative graphic and shared it on our In the Equation Facebook page, but very people saw it. I discovered it just days after I wrote my blog titled: “A pain in the butt. What my body is teaching me.” (Thank you Fit Bottomed Girls for this inspirational graphic.) Would you all be so bold as to pose like this?
  3. Inspiration to Put Yourself in the EquationITE_Soar_Quote. We have a whole gallery of inspiring quotes — some of mine and others that totally inspire me on our In the Equation Facebook page and on Pinterest: In the Equation & Stuff that Inspires. Access, download and share them. We’ve added a few new ones this week, including this one — one of my new favs!
  4. Best of Ourselves. My friend and colleague, Marcia Hyatt — a leadership and life coach on the North Shore of Lake Superior — this week launched a new website with “Best of Ourselves” 5-min podcasts. Marcia’s been doing a live radio show since 2009 but just launched these great 5-min podcasts sharing nuggets of hope and inspiration to help us reflect. You can find her inspiration on the Best of Ourselves website and via I-Tunes.

Where do you find your inspiration? When you’re open to it, it’s all around you!

Have a happy and healthy week!



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2 Comments Post a comment
  1. Anne Strub #

    Like this post.
    Something really great. 9/25 grandbaby Mitchell Thomas arrived, all 10 lb, 3 oz. Talk about inspiration. So busy taking care of other two, sort of fell off the wagon. Why do the pounds go on so fast and come off so slow. Having three such healthy grandchildren also inspiring. Looking forward to much needed 3 days at Bluefin come Sunday.

    September 28, 2015
    • Hi Anne,
      Congrats on the new grandbaby! So exciting. You will have earned that respite at Bluefin Bay for sure. And yes, easier to pack the pounds on than get them off, for sure. Enjoy your time away. I get a lot of help from the Bluefin Grille folk to eat healthy, lol. Thanks for your post.

      September 28, 2015

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