Saying yes means “all in!”

This morning I was lying in my warm bed snuggled under the covers, hitting snooze over and over, and lamenting that I did NOT want to get up to do my morning workout. I did NOT want to bundle up and go outside for cardio either.
And, I started dreading the idea that soon my cardio choice will either be to walk outside in the bitter cold and snow or take it to the elliptical at the gym. None of these seemed like choices I wanted to make today.
My mind wandered to the long list of things to do. The list of peeps who have reached out to me for help that I have yet to get back to. The PR follow-up I need to do today, and the new potential clients that are still awaiting my response. Yikes! I felt my shoulders tighten and pulled the covers over my head and sunk deeper into bed.
Then I remembered that I said YES!

Alexander Ramsey State Park – 9-28-13
I said YES to getting healthy and living from the center of my equation. I said YES to being a role model and an inspiration to others who want to transform their lives. I remembered that indeed I LOVE this work. It energizes me! It fills me up, and paying it forward is what I am meant to do — I know it!
I remembered that I LOVE all of my work, including the new client opportunities on the horizon this next year and the idea that I could travel, write, speak (work that I love) with the goal of helping others get healthy and achieve their big, hairy audacious goals. (Lucky girl!)
I remembered that I CHOSE this path, this life and I am loving it as a whole. It excites me, energizes me and makes a difference — even when I don’t feel like doing it. Even when it is hard. I remembered that the “not-so-good” or “not-so-great stuff” is indeed part of the package. It comes with the really great, really awesome stuff. And, I remembered that I can do absolutely anything short term to get me to my long term dreams and goals. I have done it! I’ve been there and prevailed. Yay! Suddenly I was focused on the big picture and excited about it.
After this conversation with myself, I got up and did what I needed to do with more energy and passion than on an average day — that is, once the coffee kicked in. That’s because I remembered why I was doing it and that I said YES. I chose this and it is great. Consequently, I went “ALL IN!”
After my work out, I decided to blog about it. Ironically, as I read my email and prepared to write, I found this awesome blog on Positively Positive by one of my favs Danielle Laporte — on this very subject. Danielle says, and I totally agree, “We take back our power, when we own our own choices and make new ones if it’s time.”
So, now I’ll go to work planning my winter cardio routine. I am sure I’ll have more days like today where I don’t want to get out of my warm bed and go outside to walk, but I know that when I focus on what I said YES to, and remind myself that I am “ALL IN” — it’s easier and it makes me happier in the moment.
Other blogs on this subject:
Let’s get movin peeps – it’s good for the soul
You need to take up swing dancing!!!! That’s a great workout and tons’ of fun! Love the picture – Havent’ seen that one yet.