Let’s get movin peeps – it’s good for the soul!

OMG, what a glorious spring day in Minnesota and a glorious day to be alive and moving toward our goals and dreams!
Yes, I am a happy and enthusiastic camper today. I got outside for early morning cardio around the lake, to the gym for much needed strength training and cardio, and in fact I had to drag myself inside to get ready for work. Add in some conversation with a couple of great guys and, well, for me, that’s a formula for a happy day! But that’s just me. 🙂
Time to regroup, restart and get this body movin!Â
I share this because I’ve been out of my equation and in a slump of late. It happens. And many of you I have talked to in the past few weeks are in the same boat.
Yes, spring in Minnesota has been unprecedented with snow, cold and rain – more grey than sunny days. Yes, some of you still have snow on the ground. Yes, work can be stressful and overwhelming, and relationships can sometimes be more challenging or not go the way we hoped/imagined. These are all reasons we could focus on the glass half empty. We could let our self care slide and our attitude fade from optimistic, grateful and happy to pessimistic and focused on excuses. NOPE! Not this girl. Time to nip those thoughts in the bud.
Today, I choose to be glass runneth over! To not accept reasons or excuses for a slump, but rather to appreciate and celebrate all I have, all I am, and all that is yet to be. Join me. It is pretty cool.
What are you doing today, right now, to honor you, care for you, and show yourself and the rest of the world that you are fortunate? I would love to hear from you.
For me, all I needed to do was get up and get movin, get outside, get over it, and remember where I was just over two and half years ago. I hope you have a happy, in-your-equation day/week. If you are stuck, see my list of tips below for picking yourself up and restarting. This is what works for me. And just yesterday I had to remind myself it’s time to focus on action and forward movement and the glass is FULL!
Lori in the equation! 😉
Lori’s tips for when you are out of your equation and/or in a funk:
- Get outside and play – in any way, just get movin. Go for a walk around the lake, a walk around the neighborhood, call a friend for a walk, run the hills, climb a mountain or hike a rugged trail!
- Meet, call or chat with a friend online (prefer walk around the lake, see above)
- Buy myself flowers – my favorite flowers. I do this ALL of the time!
- Meet someone new – in my current case – preferably a guy (dating!)
- Crank my favorite music – dance! I have been known to dance alone in the kitchen!
- Go to my happy places in my mind – usually involve Lake Superior or the ocean (sometimes I bring out the pics and/or plan the next trip)
- Blog – writing and journaling helps me process things, thus this blog!
- Pay it forward, pass it on – pass on what you have friendship, support, a helping hand, knowledge, enthusiasm – I find it is contagious and helps
- Look at before and after photos – or anything that reminds you where you’ve been and why you want to change, keep moving forward
- Try on my skinny and sexiest clothes and look at my profile…keeps me focused on the right things
- Laugh
- Focus on what I am grateful for – fill my gratitude jar
- Focus on my intention for 2013 – LOVE!
- Meditate – or rather practice meditating, still working on this one
- Read a motivational quote or blog
- Get outside and play (did I mention that!)
I got out and played in the dirt! Planted some tomatoes and herbs. Such a great day!
Yay! Of course you did. 🙂