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Posts tagged ‘progress’

Persevere. And when you falter, persevere.

There are days I need the reminder. This is indeed one of them.

When all else fails…when you feel stressed and beaten down…when you are emotional and aren’t sure why…when you slip and fall, and your inner voice is telling you to give up and throw in the towel. It is then – most of all – that you must persevere. Read more

A whole new level…WWLD!

Was feeling a bit sluggish this morning when I forced myself out of bed one half hour late for my walk around Como. The first minute or two were slow – off my usual pace – although my back feels so much better (yay…almost 100%). I kept telling myself to pick it up, but my feet didn’t seem to respond. Most of you have probably had mornings, days or workouts like that. It happens. Read more

Gettin healthy…no time for drama

I have been thinking a lot lately about the roll external forces and the actions of other people play on my progress to climb that mountain and become the best me. Or, rather, the ways in which I allow the actions of others to influence my behavior toward my program. Read more

Celebrating progress not perfection

It’s been awhile and it’s time to write. This morning as I gaze out my window at a vanishing site line of Lake Superior, I am able to let in the power and strength of the water and stop for a moment to focus on my progress on this journey to better health and better living. Read more


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