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Posts tagged ‘restart’

Beautiful women. Beautiful stories. Beautiful day.

Lori at Duluth Women's Expo 2015The winter weather was gorgeous last Saturday and so were the women who came out to hear me share my transformation story at the Duluth Women’s Expo. We had a full house, and I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of the incredible women who attended.

I love speaking to women’s groups. There is such energy and eagerness among women to “better themselves” — to strive to reach their full potential. As women we’re often our own harshest critics, but most of us also have an innate desire to become more self-aware and to make ourselves and the world a better place. That energy and focus was prevalent in the crowd on Saturday. Read more

Join the “In Your Equation” 2014 Challenge

An invitation to make a commitment to yourself & achieve your goal(s)

LoriSchaefer-After-BigPantsI’m excited to announce our 30-day “In the Equation 2014 Challenge” and to invite each of you to participate. The “In Your Equation Challenge” provides an opportunity for you to set a personal goal — defined by YOU — and make a commitment contract with yourself and others to help support you and hold you accountable.

Why the Challenge now? I’m struggling more than I have in a long time AND I’ve been talking with many people in my life who are also feeling stuck, unhealthy, or simply out of balance — literally out of their equation. The truth is, we all need help to reach our goals. I’m doing this work to help both myself and others lead happy, healthy and “whole” lives. So let’s do this…together! (And P.S. — there is no perfect time. Now is as good a time as any!)

Why make a public commitment? Research shows — and my personal experience bares out — that going public and making a commitment to yourself and others helps you achieve your goals. Incentives and support from others also help. Thanks to my friend and mentor, Anne Knapp, I’ve discovered a great new tool to facilitate sticking to your goals with a public commitment, support, incentive and accountability. And we’re going to try it out.

StickK is a website developed by Yale University economists who tested the effectiveness of commitment contracts through extensive field research. According to StickK, years of economic and behavioral research show that people who put stakes — either their money or their reputation — on the table are far more likely to actually achieve a goal they set for themselves.

So here we go. I hope you’ll read more, join StickK for free, and then put yourself first by joining our “In Your Equation Challenge.” Read more

Inspire and be inspired

inspireWhen the universe knows just what you need and it shows up!

You know me to be a straight shooter. So here goes.

I’ve been struggling again emotionally, battling the ongoing urge to cope with stress and worry by turning to food. Admittedly, my weight is up out of my comfort zone and that is of concern. But of greater concern, is that my attempts at restart are on day three and so far have been unsuccessful.

So again today, I vowed, this is the day. Restart. Refocus. And, for better or worse, for me that means “go public.” The cool thing is that today is the day the restart will be successful. I know this because inspiration is showing up everywhere. And I am so grateful.

First, as I walked into the fitness studio this morning for my first training appointment back in the Twin Cities in over three weeks, I was greeted by someone working hard on the elliptical with a very enthusiastic smile, and a “Hey, hi, wow, you look great!…”

At first, I was a bit taken back and mustered a smile (although privately I wasn’t in a great place and barefly made it to the studio for training today). As I got closer and this friendly face hopped off the elliptical to hug me, I realized it was a former neighbor, friend and colleague I haven’t seen in years — well, probably since I lost the weight. Read more

Success = warrior. Not quitting, no matter what!

Meet Kendra the warrior. Success story #2 in my blog series titled, “Success. It’s personal. And that’s a good thing.”


Kendra Malloy. Success story #2.

When I was first asked at weight-loss boot camp to set a goal for the two-week live-in camp, I said without hesitation, “I will not quit. No matter what!” I didn’t know it at the time, but it was one of the most important things I would do to achieve success. I still have that goal today, and it serves me well…over and over.

Most people focus on weight loss as the goal. And in our boot camp nearly everyone, but me, focused on how much weight they wanted to lose in the grueling two-weeks. I get it. But, I’m glad I had the foresight to focus on the bigger picture. Because for me, that was key.

I knew myself and knew that staying in the game when the going got really tough, when my emotions got the better of me and I all I wanted to do was eat myself deeper into the black hole, that was key.

Just over a year ago, I had the pleasure of meeting someone who exhibits that same tenacity and determination. The minute I was introduced to her (virtually), I knew she would be a success and her transformation would be both internal and external, inside and out. I offered to support her transformation journey for those reasons.

Meet the lovely Kendra Malloy from Berkley, Michigan. Kendra calls herself a warrior. And she is! Kendra’s transformation success story — while still in progress — will inspire anyone who can relate to starting out with focus and determination and throwing in the towel when it gets really emotionally tough. Like me, that became part of Kendra’s story. Like me, she struggled with body image and self worth. But this time, like me, Kendra has gone all in! She has NOT thrown in the towel or let herself quit. And to date Kendra has lost 150 pounds, gotten stronger inside and out, and is able to show herself compassion and love! That’s real success and it deserves to be celebrated. Kendra, so do you! Read more

Defining success. It’s personal. That’s a good thing.

LoriSchaefer-After-7People often ask me how I’ve been successful at keeping my weight off for two years. My answer: I work at it every day.

The goal I set when I started this journey was not a weight loss goal, but rather a mindset. I decided that I would “never, ever quit” and that’s how I’ve been successful. This is now my mantra, and it’s how I define success. I am successful if I’m still going, still learning, still growing, and keeping Lori in the equation every day. Because the truth is, if I do those things, the weight will stay off.

To do this requires focus and diligence. It doesn’t leave my conscious just because I hit a number on the scale or wear a size 8 instead of a plus size. Rather, it’s something I know I have to actively work at for the rest of my life. I accept that. Embrace it. And live it. It certainly beats the alternative! Read more

I did everything right & things didn’t go my way

Damn, I hate it when that happens! Is there anything tougher?

Scale_Makes-You-CryThe truth is, it doesn’t get much tougher to stay on course when you do everything right and things don’t work out.

On May 12, the second anniversary of maintaining my weight loss, I wrote about getting off track and battling hormonal hell (aka perimenopause) — Two years fit & healthy. New life…new lessons. I was struggling to stay on my personal health and wellness plan and decided to “restart” and “refocus” — as I have a hundred times in the last two years.

So, I issued the “In Your Equation Spring Challenge” and invited others to join me in setting specific goals for their overall health and wellness, and to stick with it until May 30, 2014. (Read more about the In Your Equation Spring Challenge here.)

Well, I’ve learned something very important this time around: Sometimes you do everything right and the results still don’t go your way, and they certainly don’t match your effort. To put it mildly, WOW, is it hard to stay on course, not get discouraged (and/or pissed), and not throw in the towel when that happens. Read more

Join my In the Equation Spring Challenge


I did a half marathon in 2012 at about the same weight I am today – up slightly from my goal weight. If I can do that. I can do this, right! YES!

Two years: New life, healthy life, happy life. It’s hard for me to believe that I’ve been a fit, active and healthy “girl” smack dab in the center of her equation for two full years, and going strong!

If you read my last blog, you know that this week I’m celebrating my two-year anniversary of maintaining a-200+ pounds weight loss. You also that while there are so many amazing accomplishments and new things in my life, I’m currently up slightly in weight, battling hormones I don’t have control over, and struggling a bit as a result.

Time to restart and refocus. The beauty is, I know the way! So here we go.

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Two years fit & healthy. New life…new lessons.

Maintaining -200 pound weight loss for 2 years. What it looks and feels like…really!

Lori Schaefer & Transformation Team O'Neal Hampton, Leif Anderson & Jay Grove

Two years ago, May 12, 2012 at my celebration party — with my physical transformation team.

Exactly two years ago today I was standing in a blue sparkly dress at Surfside on Lake Superior surrounded by 50 of my best and closest peeps. The occasion? To celebrate my -211 lb weight loss and the fact that, finally, I had put myself in the center of my own life!

After 18 months of hard work, and a personal transformation journey that had many ups and downs, I had just reached my weight loss goal — at age 49. The stats were impressive: -211 lbs, -nearly 50% body fat with a final body fat of 14.5% (that of elite female athletes), and an internal happiness that I was only beginning to understand.

To celebrate, I threw a weekend party and invited my closest friends and family to the place where my journey officially started. It was a meaningful, dream weekend and a celebration I will never forget. I still smile when I think about it. It was one of those threshold moments in life. For the first time ever, I was able to celebrate my own accomplishment,, share it with others, and allow them to celebrate me, too.

I remember being so overwhelmed with emotion that I was in tears for much of the early party. And I was so choked up when it was time to speak that I threw out my speech and spoke from the heart. I don’t remember what I said, and I’m certain I didn’t thank every person that I intended to. But it didn’t matter. I was surrounded by those who loved and supported me, they knew how much I appreciated them, and the evening felt truly awesome.

Now, fast forward two years. Read more


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