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Posts tagged ‘trainer’

Throwing punches…getting fit

Boxing — an awesome workout for the body & the mind

boxing-glovesMy new favorite fitness routine is boxing. I love it! Surprisingly so.

Yep, this girl who far prefers outdoor cardiovascular exercise — hiking, trail running and power walking — and who couldn’t do jumping jacks in fitness boot camp two and half years ago, doesn’t really like gyms, and definitely doesn’t believe in “hitting people” LOVES a fitness routine that involves punching and jabbing stuff…hard, jumping/dancing around, and doing so indoors. Go figure. Read more

The power of positivity

This morning I woke up on day six of my new stricter plan feeling very “hormonal.” I stepped on the scale to find my weight stalled even though I am executing the plan 100% with absolutely no deviations, and I gave up chewing gum. Big sigh.

Then, I couldn’t find my iPad (still can’t) and was late to meet my trainer who rearranged her schedule to accommodate me by getting up at 5:30 a.m. And, it was one of those “off” training days where I struggled with some basic stuff in the gym. Read more

I hate to exercise…really?!

This morning on the way to my workout, I was thinking back to pre-Fitness North days and remembering the very first time I was introduced to the elliptical by my trainer Julie at Balance for Life Fitness Center. She asked me to do two minutes on the frickin machine, and I struggled mightily. And I believe that it was level 1! Read more

I hear ya horse, carbs and mother nature

What do healthy carbs, a horse and mother nature have in common? This week, a reoccurring lesson that Lori is NOT in control!

This past week, I had to dig deep to sustain trust in my program and my program director extraordinaire, Leif Anderson. And, I had to once again learn to give up control. It turns out, I am not in charge of the universe! Damn. And I do better when I recognize and embrace that. Read more

Embracing gray

More than a contest…it’s life’s journey

I started this past week on a high, and I can’t wait to share!

On Monday, I had my final weigh in for the Balance for Life Fitness Center’s Lose & Win Contest. I lost 23 lbs during the six week contest — although most of the weight came off in the last three weeks. Read more

Day 1: 7 hours and still going strong

Survived my first pool workout in my new swim outfit; the first cardio circuit including my first ever plank (not a big fan); and a snowshoe hike led by Andy and Jeremy on the Britton Peak Trail — highlights of the first 7 hours of the first day of Fitness North boot camp. Plus a nutritional seminar by Leif Anderseon, our program director, and a great healthy lunch. Read more

Goals and dreams…dreams and goals

As I ready for the journey ahead, there is a lot of anticipation, some fear, and a little worry about getting the work wrapped up and letting go of the business. Then there are some dreams that sneak in admist the anticipation and worry. I think about what success might look like, feel like, and how my life would change! My trainer Julie asked me if I had thought about goals and the reward. Tonight as I am trying desparetly to finish a big plan, I let myself go there. Read more


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