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Posts tagged ‘work and life balance’

Got 30 minutes?

30minonyouquote-ITELast week, I was rushing around getting ready for a trip, trying to tie up all of the loose ends at home, at work, and with my travel plans. I was convinced that I didn’t have time to work out or go for my morning walk.

In fact, I had a full conversation with myself about all of the reasons why I didn’t have time today. The conversation had some fact-based rationale behind it, for sure, but in essence it was about all the reasons/excuses for why I simply couldn’t make the time on this day to put myself in the equation and practice my regular self-care morning ritual.

Then, I asked myself, “What if I took just 30 minutes to focus on me? What would happen? Read more

Being in your equation…finding life

Lori - FallIt’s no secret. If you’re reading this blog, you know that I am a recovering workaholic, food addict, and for far too many years gave too much of myself away to others at the expense of me. And that’s all changed.

I now live in the center of my equation, practice living in the moment, and I am happy to report — “I have found my life.” And I love it! I couldn’t be happier. Read more


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