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What you put out into the world really matters

Your sparkThis morning I was reminded that what we put out into the outer world really matters in how the world responds to us. I just had the best morning, and I can’t stop smiling.

While I awoke feeling not quite rested and wrestling with that voice in my head that did not want to get out of bed and go work out,  I forced myself into action. I decided to be happy that I had the opportunity to work out with a great trainer, at a great fitness studio with people I like, and I could start my work day knowing Lori was in the center of the equation.

Before I went to the gym, I checked my email and found a couple of great messages from men responding to my very recent online dating profile (more on this later). One, in particular, I have been emailing with and getting to know and his message intrigued me and made me smile. So after 30 min of online dating, which I now consider a task that has to fit in the day for Lori to be in the equation, I went to my favorite fitness studio to work out.

There I saw some of my favorite people and trained with my beloved trainer, Sandra Swami. Everyone was in a good mood and cheerful this morning. It was fun! Then I went to the Caribou to get a coffee and for some reason this morning it was filled with men, and many/most seemed to be in my age group. I got lots of “hi’s” and “good morning’s”, one wink and one gentleman told me he loved my hair and it looked particularly nice today. (Note: I have not washed my hair in three days, lol).

Grinning from ear to ear, I realized it’s me. They are all responding to my smile and my attitude. When the glass is half full or runneth over and you putting a spark out into the world instead of put your head and down worrying about everything you have to do and how crazy your day is going to be…you give the outer world a different vibe. I was giving the world a positive, happy and engaging vibe – a spark – and it was coming back at me in spades. I love this! It has not always been the case for me. Trust me on this one.

This morning, all before 8:30 a.m., I got to date online, see some of my favorite people and laugh with them, get in my morning workout, respond to some outward flirtation at Caribou, and talk to one of my closest friends. And, I still have a crazy busy stressful day ahead. But it’s cool because the work will all get done, the clients will be happy, and if not, it will all be there tomorrow. For now, my spark is bright and I am loving it.

I hope you can find your spark today and share it with the outer world. When you do, see what comes back at ya and let me know if it changes anything…or everything.



6 Comments Post a comment
  1. Dean #

    Wow! What a wonderful and happy, and positive post to read this morning!

    Sounds like an amazing way to start the day, and you are so right, my friend 🙂

    February 6, 2013
    • Awwwwhhhhhhh, thanks sweetheart. You make me smile, too, for the record!

      February 7, 2013
  2. Pam #

    Love this blog today Lori!

    February 6, 2013
  3. Sandra Swami #

    So happy to be part of your great day, Lori! I feel so lucky to get to be a part of making so many people feel good, all the time! Today I got to work with you – in a fun place full of other fun and happy folks, teach a Kick-your-butt class where I also get to educate the participants about their bodies, help 2 clients with injuries to feel better (that is cool) with Fascial Stretch Therapy, teach my class full of happy, interested, spirited students at the U of MN, help another injured client with Fascial Stretch Therapy, teach a super fun Pilates class with students who really want to learn how to do it the RIGHT way, and then finish off with a yoga class. Now that is a GREAT day! Thanks for being a fabulous start to a terrific day!!!

    February 6, 2013
    • Your day sounds awesome! I know you love what you do as much as I do and that makes for a glass runneth over right there. Thanks for posting. Thanks for the awesome a.m. workouts to start my day. 😉

      February 7, 2013

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