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My Biggest Loser Experience: WOW!

“When life kicks you in the teeth and knocks you down to the ground. Are you able to stand up and keep fighting?! That’s what it’s all about.” – Bob Harper, Trainer, NBC Biggest Loser

Lori Schaefer & Dolvett Quince on NBC's The Biggest Loser Season 16 Live FInaleI’m fresh off my Hollywood experience appearing on NBC’s season finale of The Biggest Loser, Glory Days, last Thursday, Jan. 29. I had the privilege of sharing my at-home transformation story on the live finale. And all I can say about the experience is: WOW!

Indeed, it was the experience of a lifetime. I could not be happier or more humbled by the amazing people I met and those that I’ve had the privilege to connect with online since the show. Stories of amazing heartbreak, struggle, triumph and transformation. Wow stories.

And how about that photo finish season finale? Incredible suspense and excitement in determining both the at-home winner (Jordan) and the Season 16 Biggest Loser, Toma?! (In case you missed it, watch the live finale here.)

If you watched the Biggest Loser this season, you know that this season featured 20 former athletes who were knocked down by life and who gained tremendous weight in the process. What did it take for them to change their lives? Their stories and their transformations were summed up by Bob Harper’s powerful quote at the beginning of the show: “When life kicks you in the teeth and knocks your down to the ground. Are you able to stand up and keep fighting?!

Each of them did that to find their best self and to transform on the outside and the inside. And, I did that, too! So the quote is particularly powerful and meaningful for me.

Whether you connected with one or more of the contestants and their stories, or my story, I urge you to think about the one thing we all have in common: We were/are just regular people going about our lives, with the same struggles, challenges, and fears. We dug deep within ourselves to grab hold of an opportunity to change and we went for it. Each of us doing whatever it took to succeed.

My message today, and every day, is that YOU can do it, too! I promise you.

YOU have within you the strength, courage and determination to put yourself first. To do the hard work to get your life back. How do I know? If I can do it, you can do it.

But you have to believe. You have to go all in. And, you have to recognize that it has more to do with your head (and connecting your head and your heart as my friend O’Neal Hampton would say), as it does with what you eat, how much you exercise, and who supports you. Those things are all critically important tactics, but the head game has to come first! Then, find a plan that works for you. A team that can support you. And the rest falls into place. (Download my 5 steps to how I lost 211 lbs, here.)

When I started my journey four years ago, I told myself that I WOULD NOT QUIT…NO MATTER WHAT! I told myself that only I could change my life. And that I could do it. (O’Neal Hampton and others told me that, too.) (Listen to my story live on NBC’s The Biggest Loser, here.)

Then, I went “all in” and started moving forward. And this time — unlike the other 50+ times I started dieting or exercising — when I slipped or fell, I got right back on the plan and restarted. I did NOT use it as an excuse to throw in the towel and quit. I did NOT use it as evidence that I wasn’t good enough (as in the past). I just kept going. And, along the way, I gained momentum and soared. I got my wings — just like Scott said in the live Biggest Loser finale. So you see, it was HEAD first. Then the other pieces.

If you are new to me and my story, and this blog, WELCOME!

Congratulations for being here. I have one message for you and it’s the same one O’Neal Hampton gave me…a message of HOPE. “We’ve got this! You can totally do this. And you deserve to be happy!”

I encourage you to start here by reading my story and some of the most popular blogs by topic. Also, download for free the Top 5 things I did to lose weight. Connect with me here if you have a specific question and I’ll do my best to help.

Thank you NBC Biggest Loser, Dolvett Quince, O’Neal Hampton, Mom, Randy, and all of my incredible friends and family who supported me in this journey, and in the amazing experience this past week. And a special thank you to those of you who were brave enough to contact me and ask for help. And, to those who will refer my blog on to help a loved one. Remember, “We’ve got this!”




4 Comments Post a comment
  1. Wonderful blog post today, Lori. As always you are an inspiration. I KNOW how hard you have worked and continue to work at being “in the equation” and maintaining your excellent health habits. It is NEVER easy and you give hope to so many who can see your story and KNOW they can change too. Way to go!!!

    February 2, 2015
    • Thanks Sandra. And thanks for all of your help inside the gym and out. I adore you and feel blessed to have had you as part of my team.

      February 5, 2015
  2. Theressa #

    Wow, Lori this is so great! I love seeing all the photos and hearing of your journey! Proud of you.

    February 4, 2015

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