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Awesomeness! It’s all about love.

10959611_10153045864740450_6805441468550001920_nI want to share this sentiment with you today in case no one else has. YOU are totally awesome! It’s true.

And, if you are brave enough, take five minutes right now, to list off in your head — or better, jot down on a post-it note and stick it to your wall or mirror — at three reasons why you’re totally awesome! I know you can do it. And I know you’ll feel better if you do.

I dare you. Who’s brave enough to share that you did it?!

Happy Valentine’s Day, peeps. Thank you for being here and being part of the In the Equation community. Those of you who know me personally, know that I embrace and love Valentine’s Day. I use it as an excuse to practice self-love and to tell everyone in my life who is important to me how much I love them. I know, sappy, right?! I don’t care.

Practicing self-love is easier than you think. Just start by doing ONE good thing for yourself this day, or weekend. One thing to take care of you, your mind and/or body. What ONE GOOD THING will you do to be in your equation this Valentine’s Day?

I’ll start.

I am going to be with my two loves in Maine and celebrate my birthday and Valentine’s Day — my favorite person and favorite dog. And that is beyond awesome! But, first and foremost I am going to make sure that I get in an awesome workout on the morning of my birthday/Valentine’s Day and/or a walk, and I’m going to do my daily gratitude practice with an extra dose of love – all the things I love and am grateful for in my life.

That’s actually two or three things, but I’m a crazy “in my equation” kinda gal.

And you?



P.S. I know not everyone loves this holiday, but do me a favor and just this one time think about what and who you are grateful for, and re-read the quote above about how totally awesome you are. 🙂

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4 Comments Post a comment
  1. Pam #

    I would just like to remind everyone that Valentine’s Day is about celebrating love, but that doesn’t have to mean romantic/sexual love. There are all kinds of love to be celebrated. Even if you don’t have a “special someone” in your life, there are probably people, pets, or things in our life that you love, and love is love, so let’s celebrate whatever we have in our lives that we love. Happy Valentine’s Day!

    February 13, 2015
    • Thanks Pam. That was my point and I thank you for helping making it clearer! I have ALWAYS embraced and loved this day and for most of adult life was without romantic love. The best thing we can do it practice SELF-LOVE and SELF-CARE! Took me a long time to get that one figured out. Sending you hugs, Pam!

      February 13, 2015
  2. Frances Bassett #

    Lori, I can not say thank you enough for all this, you really are an inspiration, it is amazing your transformation and what you have done. I am amazed and realized that I can DO IT and I have reached out to someone for help and an offer that was given to me many months ago to come here and hope it still is good and hopefully I can get on the same path and share my success as well!! You are AMAZING and THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for being so willing to share your story!!!! XOXO

    February 22, 2015
    • Oh Frances, reading this warms my heart. There is no question you have it within you to do this. Cheering you on. Thanks for the note, and for entrusting me with your personal story.

      February 24, 2015

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