Learning to have faith and follow my own path

When I was on personal retreat at A Room of One’s Own on the North Shore last month, I picked up the book Heart Steps and started to peruse it. This is a sweet little book of prayers and declarations for a creative life by Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way. I love this book and have found that each time I open it and randomly turn to a page, it inspires me and gives me what I need in that moment.
Today, as I come off a couple of weeks of heavy investment of my personal time and energy in paying it forward, I read this passage on page 36. I am struggling just a bit with understanding how to make a living at this transformation work that I love so much. And I am weary from donating so much time and mental energy to something that takes me away from my paying business – which in all honestly needs that time and energy right now. Uncertain how to ensure that I can continue the transformation work that I love so much and balance this with my growing marketing business, I have grown impatient with not having all the answers.
Then, I read this…
“I open my mind and my heart to the plan of service which yields joy for me and others. I accept my guidance and direction as they unfold within me. I undertake actions which empower and embody my guidance. I release others from my agendas, trusting completely that the perfect people and events arise for me as I follow my own path.”
For me, on this day, these words are very powerful.
Perhaps I simply need to let go and live into the answers. To release others who I thought might be part of my plan from my agenda, and trust that the perfect people and events will arise for me as I follow my path.
There is tremendous power in that release. This prayer gives me the strength and courage to stay my own course without the benefit of the light or answers as to how this will play out and with whom.
For today, I simply have faith. I know this work is what I am destined to do. And, so, I will trust that the answers will be revealed to me along the way. And I am certain, it will be good!
Very powerful, Lori.
Thanks Sandra. I missed you this past week both in the gym and in conversation as I navigated this territory. I realized I always get way more out of our time together than just a great work out. See you in the early a.m.!
I really enjoyed this post, Lori! Great message and beautifully written 🙂
Thank you Julie. I loved hangin with you in Duluth and just talking on Friday. You are awesome and I love our new budding connection and friendship. I wish I could do the gobble gallop with you all. Will be thinking of you and checking Facebook for pics. 🙂
After our conversation today that is amazing you ran into that quote! Just what you needed to read. I know its tough and overwhelming sometimes but you are following the path that is meant to be!! You’ll be great at everything you do in the future! I’m so proud of all you’ve accomplished and what is still to come for you Lori!! Can’t wait to see you next week!
Thanks Shari. I so appreciate your ongoing love and support and encouragement. I look forward to your next 6 months and the day we hit the pay it forward road together! 🙂