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Posts tagged ‘internal happiness’

A beautiful resilience

ITE_Resilence_QuoteMy blogs on the topic of “resilience” are getting a lot of attention lately. I love that when I peeled back the layers of self-protection and self-doubt, I found a beautiful resilience inside of me that I know means I will always be okay. I will always thrive.

Resilience is one of the key qualities/skills that will propel you to your goals. I am so grateful that I uncovered mine and wanted to share this quote with those of you thinking about this today. Read more

Mountain climbing therapy

lorionPenobscot“It’s not the mountain we conquer, it’s ourselves.” – Edmund Hillary

I love this quote! It rings true for me and is symbolic of my personal transformation.

Five years ago, I simply could not have imagined that I would be climbing mountains for fun. Seeking new rigorous trails, taller/steeper mountaintops, and celebrating successfully navigating cliff trails (well, okay, minor cliffs).

Yet, it is on the mountain top, that I see most clearly. It is here that I feel centered and in my equation; in touch with who I am and what I want in this great life. Here, I am accomplished and strong…brave and fearless…happy and grateful. And, it is here that I find the courage to do hard things. Read more

I do hard things…

…and I’m better, stronger for it! #bravegirl

LoriandAnneonMountaintopMy friend Anne coined the phrase, “Hard is fun.” In her awesome Ten Centuries blog (which you can read here), she explains that by stretching our limits, conquering fear, and setting big, difficult goals – we learn all kinds of interesting things about ourselves. And for many, like Anne, hard is fun.

I share Anne’s tenacity for life. The “new Lori” does hard things. I seek adventure. Look for opportunities to conquer my fear. Say yes more than no. And run head strong into difficult things instead of running away from them.

Finally, I have confidence in myself and my abilities to live life to the absolute fullest. Even, and especially, when that means doing hard things.

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3 lessons I learned on the mountaintop

NOTE: This week marks my 3-year anniversary living as a fit, active, healthy, happy girl from the center of her equation — maintaining a -200 lb weight loss. To celebrate, I’m working on a series of blogs sharing the lessons of the road of the past three years of healthy living. This is a continuing journey. It’s been the ride of a lifetime and I wouldn’t change a thing — even and especially the hard stuff.


Hello mountain. Hello fresh spring air. Hello switchbacks and ascending trails….expansive and breathtaking views. Hello critters of the forest. It’s just us today. Just the way I like it. Good morning!

As I pass the entrance to Oberg Mountain and hit the ascending trail, this is my internal conversation — with myself and my mountain. It’s been months since we’ve met and it feels like coming home again.

Oberg — on the beautiful North Shore of Lake Superior — was the first mountain I ever climbed. And like a first love, it will always have a very special place in my heart.

That was not always the case. Read more

Looking for inspiration? A jumpstart?

Here it is! Join us at FitFest 2015. We’re giving away 4 tickets to this all-day fitness and wellness extravaganza & I’m one of the seminar speakers…

ITE_050415-fitfest_flyerSpring is the perfect time to renew your commitment to yourself and your health.

What better way than to attend an all-day fitness and wellness extravaganza, including educational seminars and motivational speakers — LIKE ME, Chris Freytag and more! Plus, the latest in hip group fitness classes and an awesome health and fitness expo?!

On Saturday, May 30, Mpls. St. Paul Magazine’s first annual FitFest 2015 will be held at the U of M Recreation & Wellness Center from 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Join me to kick off the day with my 9 a.m. seminar: “How to Put Yourself in the Equation and Re-ignite your Life.”

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In bloom

ITE_Bloom_QuoteSpring in full bloom. I love it. Even when things are at their toughest in life, spring gives me hope. You know it will always come. Things will burst alive, show their colors and renew.

This year, one can’t help but notice the lilacs and crab apple trees in full bloom early (at least in MN). Yesterday on my walk, I photographed every crab apple tree I came across. Those with closed buds and those just bursting open to meet the world. Hello!

Too often in life, fear keeps us closed off and we never really know what it feels like to bloom. I never really appreciated that as much as I do this week. Read more

Inspiration: For me and for you

In the Equation — the top blogs from 2014.

Climbing Humpback Rock in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia over Christmas break.

At the start of our climb to Humpback Rock in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia over 2014 Christmas break.

Here’s wishing you all a Happy & Healthy New Year!

Thanks for being a part of this online community where we’re working toward living happy, healthy and whole lives by learning to take care of ourselves…by putting ourselves in the equation.

I’ve been blogging at for more than four years now. And, trust me, I learn and grow on the journey toward wholeness every time I share my story, celebrate a milestone, or tackle a tough subject here. Blogging helps me stay focused on living intentionally and reaching my greatest potential. It’s also my desire to provide hope, inspiration and support to others who struggle with their weight, health and overall happiness — inside and out.

So, after a two-week holiday hiatus from the blog to spend time with my loved ones, I am back and ready for a new year! Read more

Today is YOUR day!

Step forward toward your goals & get help doing it!


Today is the first official day of the “In the Equation 2014 Challenge. A BIG Congratulations to all of you who have taken a step forward to your goals by signing up for the Challenge and making a public commitment to put yourself in the equation of your own life. We have diet goals, exercise goals and some with a list of goals to put themselves in the equation. I am delighted to cheer you, support you and “referee” for some of you. And, together, we will ROCK this!

Please take a moment today and congratulate yourself privately or publicly for taking the first very important step. It’s a big one. To start! First you’ll take one step forward (you already have), and then another, taking one day, one week at a time, and SOON you’ll move from the unknown, to familiar, to conquered, to WHAT’S next?! Read more


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