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Posts tagged ‘self-acceptance’

A beautiful resilience

ITE_Resilence_QuoteMy blogs on the topic of “resilience” are getting a lot of attention lately. I love that when I peeled back the layers of self-protection and self-doubt, I found a beautiful resilience inside of me that I know means I will always be okay. I will always thrive.

Resilience is one of the key qualities/skills that will propel you to your goals. I am so grateful that I uncovered mine and wanted to share this quote with those of you thinking about this today. Read more

A pain in the butt!

What my body is teaching me

yourbody-rohnWhat started as a serious pain in the butt in early July — waking me at 4:30 a.m. out of a dead sleep — soon developed into full-blown sciatica.

I’ve now been struggling with lower back and leg pain for nine weeks, and at least four of those included chronic nerve pain, with little or no relief.

In mid August, the nerve pain shifted/traveled. Finally, it got so bad that I was grounded from my daily walking routine. This made matters worse because I lost my one healthy outlet for relieving the stress and keeping it together.

That was about the time I lost it. Read more

And then I knew I had to let go

ITE_LetGo_QuoteCHow do you know when it’s time to let go of something?

It could be a habit, behavior or belief that is no longer serving you. A dream that you’ve been hanging on to that still eludes you. Or a person — a relationship you need to let go of. Whatever “it” is, when and how do you know when it’s time to let it go?

I’ve been thinking about this question as I practice letting go, and  attempt to reconcile my desire/need to control my own destiny (as well as the speed at which it manifests). Sometimes it’s hard to know when to go all in and fight for something you really, really want vs. let it go.

Finding the balance between holding on and letting go is tricky. Read more

Time to restart!

And not because it’s Monday, but because you CAN!

ITE_restart_quoteWithout question one of the greatest gifts of my transformation journey — and my overall success at losing and keeping off 200+ pounds — is the ability to restart. So today for motivation Monday, it’s all about the restart.

What do I mean? Restart. Reset. Forgive yourself and get right back up and keep moving toward your goal. Because you totally CAN!

For most of my adult life, I was on a diet of some sort or feeling bad that I had fallen off the wagon and then I was busy telling myself I was a failure and couldn’t do it. I used my slips and falls on the diet as an excuse to throw in the towel, and as proof that I wasn’t good enough. I didn’t measure up. I couldn’t do it. Read more

Honor the space between no longer and not yet

Today I’m sharing ramblings from my journal because there is a lesson here for me…and maybe for you!

ITE_Between_Quote2I don’t want to let go of what is no longer mine. I changed my mind! I still really love what I lost. It was comfortable and safe. I knew where I was going. I knew the end goal. I was on a mission.

And I was happy. I felt love and connection. I was moving toward a dream. I was NOT done yet when it was ripped from me. And I don’t want to let go! (Even if I know letting go is absolutely right for ME.)

I’m uncomfortable. I want to know what’s next.  And then I want to do, achieve, go, and live into it. I want to feel that spark inside again. The one that makes me unstoppable. I know I can soar, and I’m ready. Let’s go! I like that space better. The soaring part. I want to move forward at warp speed to the next big thing. Read more

That’s who I am

The best form of affirmation!

LoriMar-Florida2014A few weeks ago when I was off in Maine doing hard things, my beloved friend Mary knew I needed support and fired off a “Lori care package” in the U.S. mail.

In the package was a beautiful card offering words of encouragement and a CD from a local musician that Mary had heard perform at a wine bar in Florida. The singer/songwriter was Anji Kat, and the CD included the title song, “That’s who I am.” My friend, Mary wrote: “This made me think of my amazing, kick-ass friend, Lor.” Read more

3 lessons I learned on the mountaintop

NOTE: This week marks my 3-year anniversary living as a fit, active, healthy, happy girl from the center of her equation — maintaining a -200 lb weight loss. To celebrate, I’m working on a series of blogs sharing the lessons of the road of the past three years of healthy living. This is a continuing journey. It’s been the ride of a lifetime and I wouldn’t change a thing — even and especially the hard stuff.


Hello mountain. Hello fresh spring air. Hello switchbacks and ascending trails….expansive and breathtaking views. Hello critters of the forest. It’s just us today. Just the way I like it. Good morning!

As I pass the entrance to Oberg Mountain and hit the ascending trail, this is my internal conversation — with myself and my mountain. It’s been months since we’ve met and it feels like coming home again.

Oberg — on the beautiful North Shore of Lake Superior — was the first mountain I ever climbed. And like a first love, it will always have a very special place in my heart.

That was not always the case. Read more

Awareness – step one to real change…

ITE_Awareness_Quote…and greater happiness!

The deeper I get into this journey of wholeness, and my personal transformation, the more important I realize one factor is: Awareness.

In my keynote speech, Put Yourself in the Equation & Transform Your Life, I talk about how once I became aware of what I was practicing in my life that wasn’t working for me, it got uncomfortable. And then almost impossible to ignore. That’s when I decided I had to do something about it.

When the unconscious became conscious — that’s really when my transformation began. Why? Because it opened me up to the possibilities and opportunities for change when they presented themselves. Before that, I wasn’t looking. I wasn’t open. And I had lost hope for a different life. I was just going through the motions of my day and my life giving everything to everyone else and believing I wasn’t deserving or capable of something better. I had convinced myself that this wasn’t so bad and maybe this was to be my life path.

It was only when I stopped long enough and was brave enough to ask and answer big questions that I became aware of the truth and was willing to face it. I realized that I wasn’t even in the equation of my own life. And, that continuing on the path I had carved for myself — working 12 to 18 hours days, 7 days a week in my start up marketing business, not sleeping, and living on a diet of fast and processed food — doomed me to a small and unfulfilling life. An unhealthy life that had cut me off from true romantic love and — worse — was likely to be cut short by stroke, diabetes, or heart disease because all three run in my family. I knew then that only I could change it. And I had to do something. Read more


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