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Day 1: 7 hours and still going strong

Survived my first pool workout in my new swim outfit; the first cardio circuit including my first ever plank (not a big fan); and a snowshoe hike led by Andy and Jeremy on the Britton Peak Trail — highlights of the first 7 hours of the first day of Fitness North boot camp. Plus a nutritional seminar by Leif Anderseon, our program director, and a great healthy lunch.

Leif and Jay (our trainers) are amazing – tough but a very good tough – and O’Neal and Sheryl joined us for morning cardio to encourage us, which was cool. The women of my new home – unit 7 — are also great. Carrie and Sue from Two Harbors who are a product of our Fitness North marketing, and Shari who was part of FN 1 and helps show us the ropes. We are soaking up everything Shari tells us.

So far so good. The aches and pains are starting to set in. I can only imagine tomorrow working out like this in this kind of pain is even more difficult.

16 Comments Post a comment
  1. Way to go girl! I am so so happy you decided to do the pool workouts for lots of reasons. You are my motivation to get my arse to the gym today no matter how many hours I end up working because you're right – no one will do it for me or you we have to do it for ourselves!!!

    November 29, 2010
  2. Jeanne and Andrew #

    Of course I am sure the trainers told you this but the health benefits of water exercise are so worth the effort it takes to get to the swimming pool. Way to go my friend!! I have to tell you that I thought about you when I was working out. I pushed myself tonight, further than I usually do. So thank you Lori for being my motivation. I walked, did those awful bicycle crunches and weight lifted and was thinking about you, hoping all was well. I am glad it is going good so far. I know your muscles might hurt a bit tomorrow but remember that it will be worth it. You know how good you are going to feel when you can think at the end of the day… “I did it!”

    I appreciate our friendship and you make the world a better place. About time you realized how important “you” are!! Way to go! Keep up the great work. Andrew sends his best and is very proud of you. Keep on top of the challenges. The success will be great for you!!

    With love and support – Jean and Andrew

    November 30, 2010
  3. Sue N. #

    Congratulations Lori – day one under your belt!
    What a great experience for you…looking forward to your continued blogging. One day at a time!

    November 30, 2010
  4. Congrats, Lor! One day complete, one more step taken!

    November 30, 2010
  5. Congrats on day one, Lori! We were all thinking of you today, hoping your first day was going well. So glad to be reading your updates.

    But I have to ask…did you order this rain to get out of snowshoeing?? 😛

    November 30, 2010
  6. Thanks all – I had a good day. I surprised myself in the cardio and, of course, the pool. Only felt nauseous once today! About to go to bed though, running on 3 hours sleep coming in, got only 5 last night and body so tired. Nite. Keep the support coming I need it. Next two days are supposedly the worst. And now we're getting weather – lots of rain and we hear freezing rain to snow. 3-6 inches of new snow expected this week.

    November 30, 2010
  7. Karen Jurgenson #

    Way to go Schaefie! Have a good and well deserved rest. Nightie Night my friend.

    November 30, 2010
  8. Jods #

    Up early AND in the pool? I'd say that's successful day. Get some sleep! Remember what 8 hours can do? 🙂

    November 30, 2010
  9. Way to go Lori!! Thinking of you and am so proud of all you are doing. You are a total inspiration!

    November 30, 2010
  10. Cindy #

    Hang in there, you can do this! SO glad you found a cute swim outfit to wear. Looking forward to hearing about your journey.

    November 30, 2010
  11. You are an inspiration to many. Even though you are finally focusing on Lori, you're still giving the gift of inspiration to all of us. You go girlfriend!

    November 30, 2010
  12. Anonymous #

    What an inspiration! 7 hours!!! I think I will add some work-out time this week!

    November 30, 2010
  13. Mary Beth #

    You know what, Lori, this documentation of your work is a jolt for all of us! Commitment, perseverence, and pressing through fear and pain for greater goals is clearly your intention! Re-read your own words to find the success that you're ALREADY having! Rock on, Lori!!! xxx

    November 30, 2010
  14. LOL, I agree moost whole heartedly on the plank, not my personal fave either!
    It is 5:15pm on Day Two and you made it! Keep it going!

    November 30, 2010
  15. Kirsten #

    Miss Lori, I have been trying to figure this whole FN journey you have been talking about for awhile…I am so glad I found your blog. What an amazing journey you are embarking on…I send you my thoughts, prayers, courage and endless determination. I say this, because I too am coming up to the end of my wellness journey (55Lbs lost so far) and look forward to a new healthier lifestyle. It isn't easy, but the payoff is so worth every pain & ache. Your spirit is giving me the extra boost I needed to complete my journey. Keep the updates coming…
    Take Care and Keep Pushing!

    December 1, 2010
  16. Anonymous #

    Way to go Lori. I am so proud of you and I too decided not to pig out tonight because if you can do this surely I can do SOMETHING! Love you MOM

    December 2, 2010

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