Believe in your awesomeness!

One of my new favorite words is “awesome.” I love this word!
After reading a great blog on Positively Positive by Kris Carr titled: “You are Awesome,” I was inspired to write this post. The blog starts: “You are awesome. End of story. Period. Print it, post it, feel it…
“You were born awesome, and you will leave awesome. There may be lessons, bumps, and arrests along the way, but that doesn’t change the fact that you are a totally delicious hug magnet. If folks aren’t hugging you right now, they just don’t know what they’re missing…”
I didn’t used to believe this about myself…but now I absolutely do!
How often do we tell our friends or loved ones they are awesome! If you’re like me, you are not stingy about expressing this sentiment to those you care about. But when was the last time you told yourself that you were totally and completely awesome? And really believed it?!
Too often we are trapped by our own fear of inadequacy. We worry about our worthiness. We get stuck in negative self talk and self-defeating behaviors and those negative thoughts become a self-fulfilling prophecy. I used to be this way, and I see it now in so many of the people I am coaching along their transformation journeys.
One of the greatest internal transformations for me over the past two years has been how I feel about myself. I now believe in the deepest part of myself – the part that really knows – that I am enough. I am good enough, smart enough, strong enough, brave enough, and sexy enough. I am awesome!
Of course I still occasionally get caught in doubt and negative self talk. After all, I am human. But now I am quite easily and quickly able to catch myself when feelings of inadequacy or worthiness surface and send positive messages instead of negative ones. I am not always successful, but most of the time I celebrate my awesomeness and send positive messages into the world. And this in turn attracts positivity in my life. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
One of the strategies that has helped me remain positive and focused is an inspiration wall. It’s somewhat like affirmations but not exactly. I use colored post its with inspiring and positive messages aimed at keeping me focused on my goal.
These past few weeks, I have had the goal of getting me back on the very top of my priority list and getting some excess pounds off before my first keynote speech and TV appearance. I started an inspiration board on the back of my office door where I can see it every day and move colored post its around to motivate and keep me focused on the goal. It has worked brilliantly. I love looking at my wall of inspiration, well, because it inspires me. It makes me happy. And indeed, it keeps me focused on my goal.
Do you know and appreciate your awesomeness? Are you able to catch yourself when you find you are self critical? What inspires or motivates you to remain positive and keep moving forward? I look forward to your thoughts.
You always have the best ideas, Lori!!! Thank you so much for being the amazing mentor that you are. I have so much respect for you and your energy and being so positive really helps me in my day to day struggles. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and what you’ve learned with us!
Thanks for the comment Dean and the facebook post today. You inspire me. And I feel fortunate our paths crossed. Keep up the great work “rock star!” 🙂