On the home stretch

Week Two, Day Three
It’s amazing how quickly we have all become adapted to our Fitness North Days. We just keep walking, moving and pushing past the pain and before you know it we’re in week two and mid way through the journey!
This week, we started 5 a.m. workouts and in total we’re doing 6-7 hours of cardio per day. We usually start with cardio circuits at 5 a.m., then a pool circuit, then breakfast, then a two-hour hike or more cardio, then at least two more hours in the afternoon.
The snowshoe hikes have become one of my favorites as I enjoy the variety, scenery and we get to see progress each time we hike – or should I say snowshoe. Today at Britton Peak Trail — the same hike we did on day one — I went much faster and farther with less pain.
A highlight of the second week was a conversation I had with O’Neal last night about personal stuff and the emotional side of the equation. It was the beginning of further conversations to come. O’Neal is one of a kind and I feel fortunate to have his guidance through this process.
We have two more full days of workouts Thursday and Friday and then supposedly a “fun” day Saturday. We’re told the Star Tribune is coming to do a story on Friday. And, most importantly, our final weigh in is Saturday. Yikes!
We made a great dinner tonight – chicken fajitas with a nice salad. Phillip came over to have dinner with the girls again as his roommate is on a different food plan. He is from Chicago and he is a hoot. We laughed and watched sing off while eating. And as always, we retire early!
Thanks to all who have sent words of encouragement and support. It helps me get through and means the world to me.
Lori… I can hardly tell you what an honor it is to be this close to your journey! I stand in awe of your commitment and perseverence, and you empower my own efforts in life – regardless of topic – by modeling the character that it takes to press through our barriers and grow! It is this type of companionship that is so mutually beneficial: you grow, I grow! Thank you!
I love hearing about your progress but I have to say, I really loved hearing about your chill time – dinner and a fun time in front of the telly! Every now and then you need a brain break and TV with friends is a great way to get that break. You haven't done that for so long!
Positive thought: snowshoeing!