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The Post-it Note Plan. #intheequation

post-itnoteplan-intheeqationWho loves post-it notes?

O.K., ME! I am a (colored) post-it kinda gal. I use them for creativity and organization in my work, and in my personal life when I feel stuck, blocked, or like I need focus.

For the last few days on my morning walks, I’ve been noodling a NEW Lori-in-the-equation plan for 2016 to get me better focused on what I can control in my life, and to practice letting go (with grace) of the things I can’t. I’ve been feeling like SO MUCH in my world is out of my control these days. And to be honest, I’ve struggled with that.

Being a pessimist, a victim, a stuck or stalled kinda gal, does not suit me. So while I live in this crazy difficult year and the space between “no longer” and “not yet,” I’ve decided to honor it by thinking about WHAT in this space and time I can control that would propel me forward toward my goals. That includes sorting out what I really want and need to care about right now. Where I want my time, energy and focus to be. And, at the same time, WHAT I can let go of…because it no longer serves me or because it is 100% out of my control and worrying about it only keeps me from focusing on the things I can do something about.

lori-postitplan-2016This morning, I sprung out of bed and before my morning walk, I grabbed every bright-colored post-it note I could find, my colorful markers, and I started writing.

What emerged was a NEW Lori-in-the-equation plan for Sept-Nov. 2016 (3 months) aimed at reigniting the spark inside of me, focusing my time, energy and attention on what I can control to propel me forward, the work I need to do in this space to continue my learning and growth, and some mantras to help me let go of the rest…with grace. It turns out I really need that last part about letting go with grace, cause sometimes I let go of what I can’t control but still get pissed off about it and carry a grudge — not helpful!

My colorful Post-It-Note plan reminds me that my job for the next three months is to focus on ME and what I can control, and let go of the rest. In addition to affirmations and mantras, my post-it plan it has a simple action plan for re-upping the ante on ME — Mind, body and spirit, my business, home, and support. Those are my categories and I have 3-4 bullets under each. Simple. Short. Clear. Focused.

A mantra that surfaced for me that is central to my personal work in the next few months is to “Have Faith and Patience.” For me, right now, that means that when things are really, really hard I must keep the faith and believe that it will happen and it will work out. It means having patience with the timing of things, knowing much of it is out of my control.

I’ve assembled my colorful post-it plan where I can see it every day first thing in the morning and every time I enter my office — right on the office door. This is my new inspiration wall and it makes me smile every time I pass it.

Sometimes when we’re feeling stuck, stalled, crabby, out of sorts, overwhelmed, or starting to see our positive energy turn negative — we need to just quiet our mind, get curious about what’s going on for us and get in touch with what we really, really want. I call this the re-focus, kind of like the restart. I suggest choosing the things YOU can control and letting the rest go. But I am a work in progress on this one!

I am pretty energized about my new three-month plan. I feel focused. Less overwhelmed and out of control than I did before I started crafting it. And now, I am ready to go! I also choose a word focus each day. Today’s word is JOY. Wish me luck.

What works for you to get yourself back on track when you feel yourself slipping? I would love to hear from you here.

Cheers! Have a fabulous #motivationmonday and a great in-your-equation week.


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